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In School

As i walk through the hallway to my next class i hear a familiar voice call out my name "hey y/n" it was Taehyung, me and Tae has gotten pretty close ever since that time him and his brothers saved me, I have been talking to them more but it feels like they pitty me.

"Oh hey Tae" I say as i try to quicken my pace                                                                                                          

"woah where are you trying to get in such a rush" He says while stepping infront of me to stop me from moving any further

"I-i need to get to class tae" I said shyly, But he didn't budge instead he grabbed my hand and led me to the rooftop where all of his brothers were

"Your not going to class today y/n" He said with a grin on his stupid face

"Ha ha stop playng around guys i really have to get to class and so should you" You went to the door to leave but suddenly bumped into a large chest

"And where do you think your going princess" Jin said as he stared down at me, God i hate when he does that it always makes me feel small

"N-no where jinnie" You laugh nervously as jin points for you to go sit down on the bench with the others but there was no more room their big butts were hgging all of the space

"come here y/n" yoongi says while holding out his hand i was kinda sceptical but still did it because yoongi is just as scary as jin

"yes?" You asked when you approached him

"Sit down" He said as he gesterd you to sit down

"Where there is no space for me" i said being a little self-conscious

"On my lap dummy" He said in a duh tone, Was this man serious he's nuts

Before i could protest he yanked me on his lap and wrapped his arm around my waist so i wouldn't fall, The whole time i was thinking about how heavey i probably was. I was so uncomfy so i tried to adjust myself but when i tried yoongi whispered into my ear to stay still or something bad would happen so the whole time we were up on the roof i didn't move a mucle


We were at lunch minding our own buisness when suddenly i feel something wet and cold on my head, I then realize that a bitch named mandy poured her iced americano all over you, You stood up to find her standing there with a smirk on her face You wanted to smack the hell out of that bitch but you kept your cool

"Thanks for the drink is it hmm and iced americano i can't belive you went through all this just to get me this drink thank you so so so so so much mandy the muffler" You said a you gave her a sarcaastic hug and on your way out to go clean you flipped her off, The last thing you saw befor leaving was her dumbfounded face

You went to your locker to get your gym uniform and then you went to the bathroom to change, When you came out the boys were standing at your locker waiting for you

"Are you ok" joonie said with a worried tone

"Yes joonie i'm fi-" I paused as i looked at jungkooks hand

"Kookie what the fuck happened to your hand" You said as you ran up to him and held his hand

"Its nothing" he said trying to hide his bloody hand

"This dummy punched a window" Jimin said as he hit the back of jk's head

"Why would you do that kookie" You asked trying to hold back the tears that were building up in your eyes

"B-because i was mad" He said almost inaudiable

"You shouldn't punch hard things when your mad at something kookie at least use a punching bag and not a wall or window" You said softly

"Ok im sorry" He said

"Its fine just don't do it again" You said while wiping the tears from your eyes

"Guys lets just go home for today" hobi said as he was really tired

"Sure let's go y/n you wanna come over"joon asked

"Only if jinnie cooks for me im starving because i didn't get to eat" You said with a pout

"Ok Deal"

At the kim's 

"wow jin i think im in love"

"Ofcourse you are who can resist my handsome faceu" He said while blowing a kiss 

"Not you your food you pig" You said as you narrowed your eyes

"Yah who you callin a pig you elephant" Jin said and everything went silent

"Im going to the bathroom" You said as you stood up and rushed to the bathroom 

"Great now look what you did jin now she's upset we're supposed to be trying to cheer her up not make her feel down don't you remember what happend

Upon hearing what they were talking about you remember that horriable night you suddenly feel dizzy as you fainted you hit your head on the sink and started bleeding, The guys came rushing in and when they found you on concious they hurried you to the hospital

(To Be Continued)

Sorry it has been so long since my last update i've been really busy with studdies and upcoming events

Word count 865

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