First, Second, Third - Any Is Okay (2/1)

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It's a question that comes up every contest, to be honest and not just the ONC, but the reason it comes up - well, I am a dyslexic writer, and so I know there are some people who will take a prompt quite literally. And one of the ways a person takes it literally is if the prompt uses a second-person narrative, they have to use a second-person narrative. You know, those prompts which say "you" in them rather than she or he.

The truth is, the prompt doesn't dictate the POV you have to use in the wording to the point I wouldn't even call it a change to the prompt. Well, if the prompt is written in the third person and you change she for he, that is a change, but one of the most basic ones allowed. You can refer to she or he, but the prompts most definitely don't dictate the POV you have to use unless it's spelled out in the rules somewhere for a contest, and typically that's for a writing challenge involving a series of one-shots, and you're told one of them has to be written in say, first person.

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