The begining

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Ronnie was getting ready to go home from work. She had been living by herself for years now and had to make money somehow. She was a trapeze artist which was of corse not a normal job but kept a roof over her head.

She was walking down the street when she felt a man following her. Ronnie started walking faster until the man stopped. She heard a noise in a alleyway.

She started walking closer when she could make out the shadows. A man had a girl pinned against a wall "where is Niklaus!" The elder man yelled "tell me or I kill you"

Ronnie felt the need to walk down there "hey!" She yelled "have you never heard that you don't touch girls" she stared using her magic to make his head hurt. He fell to the floor and kicked him in the face knocking him out "come on!" Ronnie grabbed the blondes hand yanking her away

The two went down another alleyway "you saved my life" the blonde girl smiled "thank you. I am forever grateful" her British shot through "I'm Rebekah"

"Ronnie" she smiled back at the girl "are you alright ?"

Before Rebekah could answer she was interrupted "Rebekah!" Another man came "there you are" he turned to the brunette "and who's this your next meal ?"

"No Klaus" Rebekah stopped him from walking towards her "she just stopped Mikeal for a while. She saved me"

Klaus looked at her "thank you"

Ronnie shrugged "hope you would have done the same for me"

The two smiled "oh I remember you. You are the girl who was doing lots of flips in that show. I must say you were the best one there" he tipped his hat up "what did you say your name was"

"Ronnie" Rebekah replied "her name is Ronnie. Would you like to grab a drink with me tomorrow night ?"

Ronnie nodded "I'll see if it's in my schedule" she winked "I've got to go but I'll see you around".

Ronnie walked to opposite way and before she could walk into her house she was pinned against a wall "don't do that!" Ronnie yelled

Katherine smirked "sorry" she giggled "I missed you" Katherine pulled her in kissing her

"Katherine people might see us" Ronnie said looking around

"Doesn't matter"

"Katherine" Ronnie whispered "we're in public. You know what people are like. Two girls together"

"Screw them" Katherine kissed Ronnie's neck. She lifted her head up looking at her "listen. I'm moving again to mystic falls. I've been here for too long and the only reason I'm still here is because of you"

"Well then I'll come with you"

"You will ?" Katherine's face lit up "then I am the luckiest girl in the world" she kissed Ronnie's cheek

"You have to give me a eight months before I do. I can't leave work just yet" Ronnie said standing up straight "we'll be together again".


When Ronnie met Rebekah and Klaus the three all grew closer. Ronnie found herself spending those eight months with the two. She felt like she actually made a family.

The last time she saw them was 1864 where she was visiting them. Mikeal had places an attack. Ronnie got them out of it.

Klaus looked at the girl while Rebekah went "Ronnie you can't live like this anymore" he looked at the girl who was collecting her breath "you're bleeding" he lifted her up to reveal blood dripping from her nose

"I'm fine" Ronnie attempted to convince him. Her face and body wasn't so convinced "we gotta kill him"

"And I will" Klaus nodded "but you can't. You can't keep on risking your life for everyone. I've been thinking of this for a while now"

"Thinking of what ?" Ronnie felt her legs go numb. She looked up at him "what did you do ?" She looked down at her hands. They were going grey "this doesn't make sense. I'm not a vampire"

"A witch of mine has put you under this. You need to be out of this world until Mikeal is gone" he caught her as she fell. He looked her in the eyes "you will forget me and Rebekah. You will never think of us until I tell you to." He looked down holding her "thank you Ronnie. It was nice to know what a true friend felt like"

Ronnie's eyes shut as her whole body froze over.

Katherine was left heartbroken. Ronnie still hadn't showed up, she had never truly loved someone like she did Ronnie.

 Ronnie still hadn't showed up, she had never truly loved someone like she did Ronnie

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It was 1am on a school night. Tyler Lockwood had convinced Gwen to meet him outside her house "you stole your dads car ?" Gwen whispered getting in "you absolute idiot"

"He won't even notice" Tyler started "did you bring the puff ?"

"You know I did" she lit up a joint and passed it too him "you kill me in this car Tye and we'll be having real problems"

"Oh come on chill out" he passed her the joint "you wanna see how fast this thing really goes ?" He put his foot on the gas as the car zoomed down the street

Gwen was cackling "I'm gonna be sick oh my god!" She screamed as she opened the window. The two drove for another half and hour.

Sirens went off in the background "shit!" Tyler threw the blunt out of the window

"Tyler that was my last one!" She yelled "for Christ sakes" she looked back at the cop car "oh shit that's Jones" she ducked down

"He's more chill then sheriff Forbes"

"Nope" Gwen was covering herself up "he's been on my case since Joey went to college"

"We have to pull over" Tyler said before she could refuse.

Gwen still was laying flat on her seat when the side of her window went down. Jones stood there with his hand on his hips "Gwen"

"Morning" She said in a high pitched voice "me and Tyler were going out for a run"

"Oh really ? In your slippers" he looked down at her feet

"Mhm" Gwen nodded "really making it more challenging for myself you know how it is"

"Come on Gwen" Jones sighed "you know the drill."

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