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Short chapter sorry
Juleahs pov:

It was night, i had snuck out to meet huliet at our favourite place. We had been doing this for a year now, every other night, we would sneak out to meet up and maybe we would chat, we would walk, sometimes we were stargazing, other nights we just lay in the grass enjoying each others company in silence.

Tonight though, tonight was different,
We met under the hawthorn tree like always. Huliet stood with her back against the tree, she had her hair up in a tight bun with the necklace i got for her birthday.

She wore a dress that she had torn for tonight, we were going to a party, not one of those stupid, fancy balls, a proper party.

She saw me and smiled, i love her smile so much, she took my arm and looked me up and down "you look really nice, juleah" i blushed.

She pulled me along to the party. As we walked in, the music was booming, we went straight up to get drinks and just observe. I wasn't used to this scene but huliet seemed so comfortable. Like she was meant for this, you wouldn't think she was royalty at all, just a girl.

She started to tap her foot in time with the music and so did i, we looked at each other and had the exact same thought, she grabbed my arms, we threw off our shoes and went to the dance floor.

People stared at us because women didn't exactly do that those days. I would usually feel self conscious and stop but with huliet there, all that went away, i felt safe. I felt loved. I felt like i could spend the rest of my life with her.

huliet and juleah -romeo and juliet wlw verWhere stories live. Discover now