the ball

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Huliet started getting ready for the ball. She put on her favourite blue dress, it was made of silk with a gold pattern on the base. As the host and future ruler, she had to wear a golden crown which she hated, it got in the way of her dancing.

"Huliet!" Blowhín called up to her
"You should make haste, the guests will arrive shortly". She stared in the mirror, wishing juleah was here and then she made her way downstairs.

The ball was a long and tedious evening with suitors all coming up to her to dance to that same melody. All she wanted to do was throw off her heels, put on loud, obnoxious music, go into the middle of the dance floor and let loose, but of course she couldn't.

Juleahs pov:

This was so stupid. I made my way to the ball, hoping to get a chance to speak to huliet, i placed a mask over my face so no-one would recognise me and prayed it was a masquerade ball.

I walked in and was greeted by the thankful sight of myltiple masks around me. I let out a sigh of relief and looked around to try and find huliet.

There she was, dancing with some man. She was smiling and laughing, was she being genuine or polite? I've known her so long i should be able to tell the difference.

I waited for her to get a drink because i knew if she was feeling uncomfortable,  she always went straight to the wine, it was like our signal to each other. I waited for a while but she eventually came, she always did.

"Huliet" i whispered to her. "Juleah! What are you doing here" she exclaimed. " you need to leave" she hissed at me. I thought, stupidly she would be happy to see me, that what happened yesterday was forgotten about and that we could talk.

She pulled me out of my thoughts when she shook me. "Hey! You really need to leave" "i don't understand" i said softly "just because you're getting married, doesn't mean we can't be friends anymore?" She looked at me sadly.

"Was it because i kissed you?" I asked. She didn't reply. I knew it. "It was stupid of me" i continued. "Can't we just forget about it?" She didn't reply. I was about to walk away until she spoke up. "I never want to see you again"

I looked at her, "what?" I said, confused
"You heard me" she replied coldly.
"i cannot be associated with you in any way" i blinked back tears and nodded. "If...if that's what you really want", i walked out.

I just lost my best friend and the love of my life

huliet and juleah -romeo and juliet wlw verWhere stories live. Discover now