twelve | snooping

Start from the beginning

She opens the fridge- she grumbles. She stretches to reach the orange juice- she whines. She fights with the closing door- it hits her already stubbed toes- and she yelps.

Guilt only really starts to flood my system after I watch her gulp down 5 glasses of ice water and slide her back down the cupboards so that she can sit on the tiled floor like a crumpled up piece of paper.

"I am never drinking again." With each word Nova tips her head back, connecting with the cabinets. "I feel like I'm on the brink of death."

"Wouldn't that be a tragedy?" I sigh, tossing my phone down onto the island counter and moving over to the stove. "Do you want some?" I ask and point at the frying pan.

She squints her eyes at me skeptically. "What is it?"

"Poison." I deadpan, dishing myself up another serving.

"Really?" Nova whispers.

I narrow my eyes at her and scoff. "Obviously not. It's just bacon. A little fried egg too."

Either her hungover brain is incredibly fucking stupid or she seriously thinks that I'm capable of murder.

Both options are extremely likely.

"I'll have some egg." She mumbles, pushing herself up from the floor. She keeps her eyes on the floor and sheepishly adds, "Thank you."

I stare at the small red-ish purple mark on her neck and try to erase the memory of the leech that was sucking on her skin last night. "You don't want any bacon?"

Stanley yaps at the mention of food. You'd think from his reaction that he's never been fucking fed in his life.

"No, I'm a vegetarian." Blondie replies, stretching all her limbs out to reach a plate on the top shelf.

The hem of her hoodie rises slightly, exposing the band of her sweatpants and the black strings of her underwear on each hip.

I immediately divert my eyes and focus on the words coming out of her mouth.

Vegetarian? Is she fucking sure about that?

"Since when have you been a vegetarian?"

She slides her plate over to me, her blue eyes narrowed at me. "Erm, since, like, 5 years ago."

"Hm. Interesting." I chuckle, scooping a fried egg onto her plate.

"Why is that interesting?" She bites back, her voice now sharp and icy.

I try my fucking best to stifle a smirk. "Well, the 3 hamburgers and 10 chicken nuggets you ate last night wasn't very vegetarian of you."

Nova's bottom lip drops, her mouth now agape. Her hand flies to her chest in shock.

My smile breaks free, a small laugh escaping me at the look of absolute disgust on Goldilocks face.

"That's not a funny joke!" She scolds me, "You can't go round saying stuff like that to people! It's not fair."

I roll my eyes at her. "Why would I lie about that? I didn't even know you were a fuckin' vegetarian! What would I actually gain from joking about this?

Blondie's face instantly falls and I almost feel bad that I told her. I guess I could have kept it a secret but how was I suppose to know she'd be so fucking upset?

I watch her palm connect against her forehead and a big sigh leave her lips. "I can't believe I did that. That's 5 whole years of my life down the drain!"

It's slightly awkward as she digs into her egg in absolute silence with a big pout on her face. Her eyes drift towards the frying pan with bacon in and I can tell from the look on her face that she's disappointed in herself.

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