Chapter 50 || Hotness

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Ruthira took a deep breath before knocking on the door

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Ruthira took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Gathering all her courage, she stood holding Nidra tightly. As the lock of the door got unlocked, her breath hitched.

"Aaru"! Brinda gushed with tears and embraced her. Ruthira too hugged her close, with one arm. They shared their reunion with tears. "Aaru", Mohanraj came running from the kitchen.

"Appa", she mumbled and hugged him. "Come in", Brinda mumbled inbetween her tears, taking Nidra from her arms. "How are you"? "I'm very fine, Appa. I'm sorry, I frightened all of you".

Mohanraj shook his head, wiping his tears. "All that matters now is that you're safe. Have the both of you eaten"? Ruthira nodded while breaking the hug. "Anni"?

They turned to the entrance where Yamuna and Aran where standing. The white coat on her hand indicated that they were coming back from work.

Yamuna quickly removed her sandals and ran towards Ruthira. "I'm so so sorry", she jumped on her. "I'm sorry, Anni. I never knew Appa said all those things to you. I'm sorry for what Aran did". Ruthira rubbed her back, "shhh, it's okay. Don't cry. I was at wrong for behaving that way that day. None of you are at all".

Aran wiped his tears and stomped to his room. "Aran", Brinda tried calling after but he slammed the door shut. "Uh, I'll go sleep then. It was a long journey".

"Yes, go. We'll take care of Nidra tonight", Brinda told her. She nodded and dragged the luggage to the room. Chucking it in a corner, she sat on the bed and texted Rudra that she was home and was going to shower.

As expected Rudra's reply was,

I don't trust you will shower, send proof.

She rolled her eyes and ended the conversation by stating 'bye'. After taking some clean clothes from her bag, she went to the toilet.

Once she was done, Rudra and her had a mini chat. They asked each other to take care and wished goodnight, calling it a day.


Ruthira: Happy birthday!

Rudra: Thank you but I miss you.

Ruthira: I know. I regret this.

Rudra: Leave that. Did you rest well yesterday?

Ruthira: Yeah, you?

Rudra: Me too. I'm going to have a shower and then I'll pick you up, is that okay?

Ruthira: No, I'll come myself. Appa and Amma went out, they might see the car.

Rudra sighed.

Rudra: Okay, see you in an hour.

Ruthira: Okay, bye.

It had been two days since they were back in Delhi. The previous morning Nila and Adhi had a teary reunion with her and Nidra. This morning, Mohanraj and Brinda brought Nidra and Adrika with them to watch a movie while Oviyan was in school.

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