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Calm, intelligent, and sometimes high-handed, Alexander Cho is the begrudging heir of the Cho family to Aero Hygenix: a multi-billion-dollar transportation and investment company that's on the fast track to being one of S. Korea's biggest shareholders.

Unfortunately, for its handsome only son, this means more pressure to marry a suitable heiress. 

But while Alex is away studying abroad in the States, he falls madly in love with the beautiful and ingenious Alice Simo*, a Cameroonian American and jack of many trades.

After three years of careful deliberation, he decides to take a courageous leap of faith and bring Alice to Korea for one of his infamous birthday galas and officially propose.

However, in a cruel twist of fate, his parents, upon discovering their son wants to destroy everything they've ever worked for, viciously cut off all ties between the pair. Thus, Alex and Alice's deep love for each other is hurled into even deeper oblivion.

And with it, his soul and his sanity.

While the socialite world celebrates his forced engagement to Korea's darling heiress and flagitious mastermind, Seong Jae, Alex is already beginning to unravel. Shadows, once creeping reminders at the edge of his vision, threaten to consume him alive. Enemies he never wanted to make lurk in every corner.

Shortly after Alex is settled into his serrated throne, he's forced to handle a company scandal that has reopened a trail of eerily-linked cold cases tracing back to the eighties. And soon, he finds himself at the center of his own nightmare, scrabbling for the very lifestyle he'd wanted nothing to do with, wearing himself razor thin in the process.

But while deep in the grime of his poisonous marriage, Alex stumbles upon a heart-shattering secret about his family's business that may just be the end of everything he's ever known. And his reason to live.

Unless he breaks away. But can he do it?

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