18. A Familiar Smile

Start from the beginning

"How many warcamps are there?" Mitsi asked curiously.

"Many," Azriel replied, though the answer wasn't as specific as she'd hoped. "The mountains and steppes are full of them." Mitsi nodded and offered a small wave while Azriel and Seren left the house.

The mountains and steppes are huge, she thought, recalling the landmarks on maps she used to pour over with Cyrus, and what she'd seen herself while in Windhaven. And Corbin and Lysander have to manage all of them for the Peregryn and Illyrian Exchange? How do they keep them all straight?

She didn't have time to puzzle out an answer. Mina grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. Lysander landed just beyond the gates a moment later. They joined him and set off walking down the street.

"Eira and Orion say hello," Lysander said, catching Mitsi's eye. "Eira was disappointed she couldn't skip out on her group training session today."

Mitsi smiled. "I'll have to make it up to her some other time."

"I'm not telling her you said that." Mitsi giggled to herself and Lysander smiled.


They reached the orphanage shortly. Lysander didn't even have to introduce them. The same elderly female he'd spoken to the day before was already waiting for them. As soon as they arrived, she ushered them into a large playroom where several children lingered.

Some were drawing and painting at tables. Others lounged on chairs, contentedly reading books. Most of the younger ones sat on the floor playing with different toys. They all perked up as the Mistress called for their attention.

"This is Mina and Mitsi," she said, waving a hand to the two females. "They'll be spending some time with us today."

The Mistress turned to them. "I was told you have a talent with sewing, Mina. Our older girls are doing some sewing lessons today. I thought you might like to help them out, and Mitsi can stay here with the younger children."

"As you wish," Mina replied. Lysander saw Mitsi bite her lip, a nervous glimmer lighting her eyes, but she didn't protest when the Mistress led Mina away.

Instead, she turned to the children and squared her shoulders. "Now then, what are your names?" Mitsi asked, crouching to her knees.

Lysander backed towards a wall and tucked his wings in tight to avoid the children running into them as they made a dash for Mitsi. Apparently, each child was all too eager to tell her their name and admire her hair. Several children were already asking to touch it.

Mitsi just smiled and unwound her bun, allowing the children to gently stroke her braid. Once their curiosity was sated, the children grabbed Mitsi's hands and pulled her about the room, taking turns explaining what they liked to do.

Mother above, imagine if the novices were like this, Lysander thought. Corbin and I would never be able to keep up with them.

He could hardly keep up with simply watching the children, and he had no idea how Mitsi was managing to do so. But the female couldn't be happier. He'd never seen her smile quite so brightly before, and despite her hesitation from earlier, she seemed perfectly at ease now.

Soon enough, the children had coaxed Mitsi to play a game with them. They were all seated in a large circle while one child wandered around. As soon as the child tapped someone's head, the selected person sprang to their feet and they both ran in opposite directions around the circle.

The first one to claim the empty space was safe, while the other person took their turn being It. Lysander watched them play a few rounds and laughed to himself when the children selected Mitsi every time.

She always let them get back to her vacated spot first, and he could see the rapid rise and fall of her shoulders as she drew quick breaths. Her gaze met his shortly and she gestured for him to join. Lysander stiffened and shook his head. Mitsi hesitated, then crossed the room.

Her slender hand lightly gripped his arm. "Come on. I need a chance to breathe every once in a while," she chuckled under her breath. "And I think you're scaring the children by just standing there."

Lysander conceded with a nod and let her plop him down in the circle. The children on either side of him gawked at his wings with wide eyes before shuffling aside to make a little extra room for him. Mitsi set off walking around the circle.

She made two complete passes, then tagged Lysander on the head and took off running. He leaped to his feet with a grin, having already guessed that she would choose him. The children cackled with glee as they raced around the circle.

Mitsi barely beat him back to the space, leaving Lysander as the It. He tagged one of the children and the game went on. Gradually, the children began tagging him as well as Mitsi, and Lysander found himself enjoying the game. The children's delighted laughter and attempts to slow him down made it all the more fun.

Lysander couldn't help but think how amusing it would be to play this game with the Peregryns and Illyrians. Devlon would never allow it and most of the novices would think themselves above it, of course, but the mental images it produced in Lysander's head were far too humorous to dismiss.

At last, the Mistress returned and announced that there was only time for one more round before the children would be due to attend their afternoon lessons. Lysander found himself selected as It once more and began making his final turn about the circle.

He already knew who he was going to pick. It seemed she knew as well. Mitsi's frosty blue gaze followed him around the circle. She was already braced to run the minute he tapped her head. Mitsi bolted to her feet and ran around the circle, passing him in the middle.

Lysander laughed when she swatted his arm, as if that would slow him down. He skidded to his knees in Mitsi's vacated spot seconds before she would've reached it. Those seconds resulted in Mitsi tripping over him and toppling partially into his lap. The children roared with laughter.

Mitsi pushed herself upright and her pale cheeks flushed. "Sorry," she murmured, hastily standing.

"It's all right." Lysander stood too. "We should get going. I promised Corbin I'd help him in Windhaven this afternoon."

Instantly, the children latched onto Mitsi's arms, raising protests and begging her to stay. She managed to assuage them with a promise to return as soon as she could. Lysander watched as she drew each child into a quick hug.

There was still a faint blush in her cheeks, but what caught his attention was her smile. She'd been smiling all morning, and yet this smile was different from the others. This smile was larger. Bighter. Genuine. And...somehow familiar. Lysander drew a sharp breath and turned away, taking that thought and burying it deep within himself.

He said nothing when Mitsi joined him. They met with Mina in the entrance of the orphanage and made an arrangement for Mitsi to return in two days. She was left at his parents' house before he carried Mina to Windhaven, then attended to his own duties.

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