▪︎12▪︎ | Revenge|

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A/N : We finally reached 1k and almost 40 votes omg thank you all so much ♡

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A/N : We finally reached 1k and almost 40 votes omg thank you all so much ♡


So basicly a girl named Momoka just died and it was the witch who killed her.

How is this a 10 ♥︎ game ?

So stupid.

This is just caos.

" Chishiya, go to the rooftop and wait for me , I can't risk your life " Niragi kissed me as I nodded at what he said.

The rooftop was empty .


After some time Niragi finally came with his sniper riffle.

While we were changing my room theh have decided that Aguni was going to be the new leader and now he was ordering Niragi to kill everyone.

I knew Niragi didn't want to but or else he was going to get killed so I didn't even open my mouth about that.

Just watched his sniper skills.

How was he a college student !!!

He was so damn good with guns.

" Niragi where did you le-" " WATCH OUT !!"

Suddenly everything went black.....

Whats happening ?

︎ Niragis Pov ▪︎

A militan came quickly towards Chishiya hitting his head with a bat.

"Count yourself as dead. " I loaded my gun pointing towards the guy.

While he tried charging towards me I shot him from the shoulder which didn't really affect him.

He managed to kick me right in the stomach very hard.

As I was still busy fighting I saw Chishiya open his eyes. Bu the wasn't able to move.

The guy punched , kicked me until I was barely conscious and Chishiya was watching it all.

<<< The bat hit Chishiya pretty hard and he can now only open his eyes but the vision is still very blurry so even if he wants he cant help Niragi right now >>>

The guy walked towards a box and grabbed something from inside of it.

W-Wait that was a flame gun....

Chishiya slowly managed to get up still holding his head but I signalled him not to move.

He pointed the gun towards me ...

" You are a traitor Suguru Niragi.".

Me a traitor ?? wtf is going on ?!

︎ Chishiyas Pov ▪︎

I somehow opened my eyes and saw the guys point a flame gun towards Niragi....

"Niragi !!!" .....

Niragis burning body fell down the roof infront of my eyes....

" N- Niragi....." Tears went diwn my face as my heart started to beat so fuckin fast.




I cuddled my knees shaking uncontrollably.

You promised not to leave me.....

Please I wanna wake up from this nightmare.

I wanna wake up in his warm arms..

"Shiya !!" Kuina ?

Fuck off.

"Shiya are you -" She was gonna ask something but that motherfucker interrupted her by punching from the side.

But Kuina had a knife , she stabbed the man from his leg then his shoulder.

I need to get his revenge.

I slowly got up from the ground pulling out a gun which Niragi secretly gave me right before the game.

"Shiya what are you doing !!" "Revenge."I said then aimed the gun towards the guy.

I shot him until the bullets were over .

My aura was scaring Kuina but I couldn't care less.

After trying to walk some , my vision started to get blurry and my head started to hurt.

Finally everything went black.

I wanna wake up from this nightmare.

I don't really plan on killing Niragi in the fanfic but who knows ??

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I don't really plan on killing Niragi in the fanfic but who knows ??

And I am planning to add some more Ann x Kuina scenes ♡♡♡

Please don't forget to vote ~!!

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