Trapped within Fate

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The guards throw me out of the place a letter in my hand. I stand on the dirt road coated in mud and dust. The sun is still shining the ocean breeze still tickles my nose yet now there is evilness to the air the ocean breeze is sweet like I remember. No, now the saltiness penetrates my scent reminding me of the trip I took with my brother to the salt flats just north of us. It was a soft day my parents were at the mines by the time I awoke my brother was packing food.

"What are you doing? I remember asking him

"Sandwiches we're going to the salt flats today" he responded.

I shot up out of my bed jumping onto the floor that was cold enough that my feet stung slightly, I remember dressing in my normal clothes and french braiding my hair back into two braids. Then we set out it wasn't necessarily a long hike but it was fun I remember following my brother jumping over streams and then we climbed a tree, 20, 40, 60, 80 feet up this massive cider tree at the top I could see everything, I could see the pure white salt flats to the north, the palace with the ocean lurking behind it towards the south I remember looking east towards the Chaos wood the place my brother never said to go. We dismounted the tree reaching the flats getting there I remember the salty smell I smell now I remember that day being the best day ever, but now standing on the palace steps that salty smell now scares me it reminds me of being in the tree feeling the fear of the height as I smelled l the salty breeze from the salt flats. I bring myself back to reality as I open the letter, inside a poem,

The Chaos is too much

For the wood controls all

The giants are huge

For their kindness is beyond

The mountains are treacherous

For the fire ends it all

The serpent prevails

But the hidden dagger will stand tall

My future. My future is in one letter, how do I know this? I just know this letter contains everything but what does it mean? Where is the dagger? Are the giants true? When will the fire arrive to finish my nightmare that has only just begun? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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