Stones to a story

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A memory,

I was 11 when I heard the sirens for the first time. I was in the small one-bedroom house I lived in with my family. My brother was 16 the age I am now. I remember looking at him, his eyes filled with terror. I didn't know why. I had never heard the sirens before. My mother and father were not there, so I ran to my brother's outstretched arms. Neither of us said a thing as we huddled together in the corner. Only was it when the sirens stopped did we speak.

"Rose. Stay here," he said in a very stern tone that I had never heard him speak before.

"Josh, w-w-where are u going?" my voice was shaking, tears leached from my eyes dropping onto my shirt made from coarse linen.

"I need to go, you'll understand soon." He kissed my forehead, then turned at the door and said "Remember the serpent always prevails"

With that, he left the final thing I remember was his hair. His bright red hair blew in the wind as he left. 'Remember the Serpent always prevails' if only at that time I understood how important those 5 words were.

I'm back in reality. I stand in my home. Looking in the mirror. People have always told me I was beautiful I mean I can kind of see it, though I'm not tall only about 5'3, my long red hair falls in bouncy curls down my back I have crystal blue eyes skin as pale snow, and red freckles that dot across my face, very different from the rest of my body that is painted with cuts and bruises. I hear the bells ringing outside, quickly I slip on black cargo pants and a black t-shirt that is tight against my skin. I put on my socks and black combat boots. Finally, I attach my sword made of fire steel to my hip and slide an extra knife into my boot. As I walk out the door and across my lawn onto the dirt road, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I draw my blade and turn, and standing there is the crowned prince of Prythian, Liam Snow. His black hair is messy, his skin is as pale as mine, and his jet-black eyes steal all the light that ventures into them. He is in a similar outfit to me, a standard military uniform, and his bow and arrows made of fire steel are rested on his back. He's quite taller than me, around 6'2 he would look quite menacing to an average person but to me, he looks like a teddy bear, sweet and kind.

"Chill Rose" Liam says throwing his hands up

"Don't do that to someone!" I mock withdrawing my blade

"Well Rose Ophidian what are you doing right now?" He says pulling me into a hug.

"Well Liam Snow for your information I was on my way to the palace to find you"

"And Why would you want to find me?" He says as he pretends to act surprised and spins me in a circle

"Shut up you know why" I mock again

"See you wouldn't have to come and find me if you just lived in the palace with me." He says as he glides his calloused hands to my cheeks, they're warm, comforting in a way, but not in the way my brother's embrace was. Then in a split second, the mood darkens.

"Liam you know I'm not a palace-type person plus my brother doesn't know to go to the palace to find me he knows to go to the house," I say pushing him away from me. He pauses but continues with just my name, he doesn't say it in any special way, it's just my name, and my name only.

"Rose" He whispers as I keep walking forward towards the jeweled palace that is backed by the crystal ocean towards his home, salty tears welling in my eyes but he grabs my arm turning me towards him towards the village, towards my home that is filled with dirt roads and small stone houses the place where everyone knows each other. We stand there as Yin and Yang, two opposites as he speaks.

"Rose....It's been 5 years since no one comes back after the Sirens, I'm the heir to the throne and I don't even know where people go after the sirens. No one knows"

I feel the tears running from my eyes sting as they pour over the small cut on my cheek. God, I need to hold it together, no crying. I take a deep breath, breathing in the salty air from the ocean that is not too far away. He wipes my tears, and after a moment I say, "It's fine Liam but I want to stay here in my home with the dirt and stone houses."

He pulls me into his arms.

"Ok" he whispers

"Ok" I whisper back

We continue walking up the dirt road toward the palace. I'm lucky 5 years ago when my brother disappeared I have left an orphan because my parents never returned from the mines that day, the sirens caused the ocean to flood the mines so I and 50 other girls were left orphans, we were all kids from mining families we were all poor and sick and starving. The other orphans and I were brought to the palace where we were fed, bathed, and given medicines. Most of us were no bigger than 5 stone. As time went on we got better and we began training as Miroi, protectors of the King. I was the best. Slowly I became friends with Liam and last year we began dating. Liam reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small box. We are now standing at the palace gates, the place we met for the first time. When I was young, I remember walking to the gate and looking out over the ocean, the palace is on a hill that overlooks Pyrthian. Liam came and just sat next to me for hours as we watched people return home, and clean the coal off their boots, we watched as the kids would run into their parent's arms when they returned from the mines. We watched the sunset and the moon rise. That day was the day we became friends. I smile thinking of that moment before I'm brought back to reality. Liam opens the box and in it is a ring. It is small with a fire crystal on top of a band of a fire steel.

"It's a promise ring that can never be destroyed" Liam whispers to me.

"I love it," I whisper back. He kisses my forehead before we turn to continue into the palace. Our hands link just our hands. I feel the calluses on his hands, the warmth of them, and I make a silent prayer to the gods thanking them for bringing me Liam, giving me the perfect life, and begging them to make sure the sirens don't steal him either.

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