Part 78: Checkmate

Start from the beginning

"You gunna Floo?" Hugo asked.

"Nah, I'll bus it. I don't feel like spinning through fireplaces until I see the right one. See ya around, Huey."

"Later, Lil."

The ride on the Knight Bus was as relaxing as it could be. Lily stepped off in front of her house, not even flinching at the "BANG" that announced the bus's departure. Lily yawned a little as she walked to the door. When she opened the door, she was surprised to hear the sound of voices coming down the hall. She silently shut the door, not wanting to disrupt her parents' conversation. Until she walked further down the hall, and heard a voice she knew but never expected.

"It was so nice of you to invite us over, Ginny," the voice of Astoria said happily. Lily stopped in her tracks. What was Astoria doing here? And "us?" So Draco was there as well . . . with her parents? Slowly and quietly, Lily inched closer to the kitchen doorway.

"It was no problem. After all, our children are quite serious about each other, and Lily thinks very highly of you two. I thought it was about time we got together," Ginny stated.

"Well Lily is just a sweetheart. And I have never been more proud of my son than when I heard he decided to finally ask her out," Astoria said with a laugh.

"I had a feeling it was long overdue," Ginny agreed with her own small laugh. "Lily's not hard to read."

"Oh neither is Scorpius. He brooded around the house when she began dating her last boyfriend," Astoria teased. "And each time he saw her in a magazine."

"Well he's like Lily's father that way," Ginny mocked. "He does the same thing."

"Oh he gets his brooding from Draco. They're just alike in those ways," Astoria replied.

"I think we're in for a long ride here, Potter," Draco said with a sigh.

"Well you two men don't seem to have anything to say," Astoria mocked.

Lily could practically feel Draco rolling his eyes. "All right. So, Potter, how often have you wanted to kill my son?"

"Every time I thought of him since he started dating my daughter," Harry replied dryly and honestly.

"Can you choose a better topic?" Ginny requested.

"Well no offense, but aren't we here to discuss our kids?" Draco inquired.

"That's what I figured," Harry retorted.

"Let's face it, Ginny. All men are basically the same," Astoria sighed. "In this case, hardheaded."

"So, I hear both of your sons have moved out now," Draco commented.

"Yes, our youngest finally found a flat with a friend of his a few days ago," Ginny told him.

"Yes, Albus, right?" Astoria questioned.

"Yes, that's him," Ginny assured.

"Must be quiet around here," Draco mentioned.

"It's half and half. Sometimes Lily brings Hugo over, and those two are the best of friends," Ginny replied.

"Otherwise she's off somewhere with your son," Harry added. "In those cases, very quiet."

"I think they're both a bit afraid of being apart for two years," Astoria sighed.

"I know Lily is. But like her father, she's too noble to show it," Ginny stated.

"How is she taking to being the only kid in the house?" Draco questioned.

"Why do you ask that?" Harry inquired politely.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now