Behind Enemy Lines

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"Mom?!" Amayah exclaimed. " What the fuck are you people doing? I will kill all of you!" She shouted. Just then a man stepped into Amaya's view, and she knew who he was by that smug look on his face and his Armani suit. "They said you were an angry little woman." Lorenzo laughed. "You will do as I say unless you and your mother want to meet my son's fate." He added. Amayah sighed, feeling very defeated, she couldn't let anything happen to her mother, but they had to get out.

Later on that day, Amayah was sitting on the bed in the room she was locked away in. She quickly searched the room with her eyes, not wanting to make to much noise. There were no windows, and it was so dark and grimy in there. The locks on the door made it impossible to escape considering they were on the outside of the door. She knew what she had to do, and now it was time to put her plan into action.

"BANG! BANG! BANG!" Three loud knocks on the door awoke Amayah from her slumber. She didn't even realize she had fallen asleep, but being exhausted will do that to you. "Chow time!" Someone yelled from the other side of the door then a plate slid under the door. She felt like she was in prison, even so her mouth still watered at the sight of the sandwiches. She breathed a sigh of relief as she finished up the last bite. " I have never enjoyed something so gross so much. She thought to herself.

Thoughts floated around her mind about her mother, was she okay? What were they doing to her? With every thought she became more and more enraged, and she broke down. Amayah was scared for the first time since she was a child. Being an assassin kind of put fear at the back of the line. The only thing in the entire world that scared her was thinking something was going to happen to her mom.

The only thing she could do to keep herself sane was to push all of those thoughts out of her mind. There was nothing she could do to help her mom at that moment, so she needed to focus on what she could do. She broke her plan into steps, and she was about to start step one.

Step 1: make the enemy trust you. This might be hard, because these people literally wanted to kill her, but she would make it happen. She needed to learn who was easy to manipulate, and who would kill her if she looked at them the wrong way. She had already started figuring that out. All these thoughts were making her tired and dizzy, so she laid down to get some rest.

"BANG! BANG! BANG!" The same thing woke her up this time as last time. Again the food was deplorable, but she was just as hungry. She scarfed the food down, and her mouth and throat were so dry. Being as stubborn as she was though, she banged on the door. "BANG! BANG! BANG!" There was no response so she did it again. "BANG!" "What do you want?!" Exclaimed a man's voice from the other side of the door. "I need some water, I'm parched." Amayah said. There was no response, and she felt like giving up at this point.

It felt like she had been waiting forever when a bottle of water rolled under the door. She didn't even care that it was room temperature at this point. She snatched it up off the floor and chugged it. It was so nice to not feel like there was sand in her throat anymore. And in that moment she was almost grateful to them. Only until she remembered that they had her mom captive.

"How is my mom doing?" Amayah piped up. Just then she heard a familiar voice. "She's doing okay." Roman said. "As long as you cooperate, my father will keep his word, he won't hurt her." He added. "Is there any way I could see her?" Amayah asked, the hope still lingering in her voice. "Honestly, I don't know, but I can definitely ask my father." Roman replied. "Thank you." She said. "Don't mention it." Amayah could hear the sincerity in his voice. She didn't want to hurt him, but she had to do whatever it took.

Just a little while later Amayah heard movement outside the door, she was nervous, because she didn't know what was happening. When the door opened, she saw her mom still boss and gagged, with bruises from the restraints. She ran to her mom and felt like a kid all over again. She pulled the gag out of her mom's mouth, and hugged her tight. "Mom are y-" Lylith cut her off before she could finish taking. "I am fine baby." She said as she rubbed Amayah's shoulder. "How are you? Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm a million times better now that I know you're okay." She said as years welled up in her eyes. Lylith leaned in and squeezed Amayah tight. "I love you baby." She whispered. " I love you too mom." Amayah whispered back. "Times up." Said the big guy who brought her in. Now that she knew her mom was okay, she could get back to her plan.

Amayah stood by the door, and waited for the footsteps to fade before speaking. "Roman?" She asked. "At your service." He laughed. "Thank you for that, it meant a lot." She said. "Amayah I like you, and I will do what I can to help you until we can get you out of here." Roman said. Amayah wanted to trust him more than anything, but she knew she couldn't. However it looked like step one of her plan had been completed. Roman was finally trusting her.

"Oh my God!" Amayah screamed. She began banging on the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch?" Someone yelled. "I need to talk to Lorenzo, this is so important." Amayah exclaimed. "He isn't going to see you, now shut up." The man said. "Look you don't understand, this is literally a matter of life and death." She responded. "We will see what he says then." The man snorted from the other side of the door. I guess we will Amaya thought.

Click... Click... Click. She could hear Lorenzo coming down the hall. She was going over exactly what she was going to say to him in her head. All of a sudden, she heard locks clicking and chains falling. When the door opened Amaya saw his signature Armani suit and he was holding a pistol. "If you do anything stupid, I will shoot you where you stand." He said rather calmly.

After Amayah explained the severity of everything, Lorenzo said he needed to think for a moment. He decided he would let her go, under a few conditions. Number one, she had to disclose all the information about the job with him. Number two, she had to wear a tracking device the entire time she was gone. Number three if she was gone longer than 3 days, her and her mother would both die. Amayah agreed to the conditions before asking for supplies from her car, and a car to drive. Both were given to her, and she said off on the mission she originally set out to complete.

"10 miles from San Antonio." She read the sign. Amaya could feel all of her emotions bubbling to the surface the closer she got. Rage for the mother fucker who hurt that baby. Worry for what her mom may be going through. Sadness and anger for what had happened to her. When she reached the three mile sign, she turned on death metal music and suppressed everything she had been feeling.

She reached to the factory where he worked at, and saw his car in the parking lot. Amayah wanted nothing more than to go inside and shoot that bastard in the face. However, that is not what she was paid for, so she waited. Like clockwork, he came strolling out at 3:00 p.m., and got in his car. Keeping a loose tail on him Amayah followed him to the gym.

An hour past before he walked out of the gym, she followed him again ,and this time it was to his house. She watched him walk into his house, and after a minute, she went to see if the door was unlocked. When she found that it was, she took that as her window of opportunity. She quietly snuck into his house, and once inside realized that he was in the shower. She quickly looked around trying to find something to help subdue him. All of a sudden, she heard the water in the shower shut off. She tried to find a place to hide in the house, and she found his closet in his bedroom with the door slightly open.

She climbed into his closet, and not wanting him to hear her, she didn't shut the door all the way. Inside the closet she found neckties, and she grabbed one. She wrapped each end of the neck tie around her hands. Amaya waited for him to come to the closet, and as soon as he opened the door she jumped up, wrapped to the necktie around his neck and kicked him in the side of his knee. As he fell to the floor nearly unconscious he was still trying to fight. Amaya gripped the tie and held him in place until he was completely unconscious.

"Why are you so fucking heavy?" Amayah asked aloud. She struggled to get him from the floor to the chair, but she finally did it. Amayah opened one case and grabbed plastic, zip ties, duct tape, and a gag. Securing his arms and legs in place was the most important part. She grabbed zip ties and put one on each arm and leg, and then duct taped each one. Just as she was finishing tying him up Nathaniel woke up.

"Oh good you're awake." Amaya smiled evilly. "Who are you and what do you want?" He asked. "I am the person who is going to become your worst nightmare." She responded. "Are you going to kill me?" He asked wearily. "I'm going to make you beg for it first." Amaya responded coldly. "Look whatever you think I did to y-" Amaya cut him off. "You mean what you did to your own daughter? You sick f***!" She screamed. "Why is it your business if I did it or not? You f****** psycho!" He spat. Amaya leaned in really close and whispered, "it's going to be your family's problem when they receive you in pieces." As she finished speaking she spit in his face. She turned around and grabbed the gag from the bag and put it on him. The next time that she turned around and took something from her bag his eyes widened and he tried to scream but no one could hear him.

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