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When Amayah woke up she had no idea where she was. All she knew is she was in pain, cold, and tied up. As she became more oriented, she looked around the room to familiarize herself with her surroundings.

She saw two men standing at the door guarding it. On the floor about ten feet away from her, we're some random piles of debris, scrap metal things of that sort. She saw a table and a chair across the room, other than that this large room was bare.

One of the men was about 6'3 and 250 pounds of solid muscle. He reminded Amayah of an Italian mob body guard from the movies, his black hair was slicked back, and he was dressed in a leather jacket and dark jeans. "There is no way I'm getting through him" she said quietly to herself.

Then she looked at the other guy, he was a scrawny little thing. He was about 5'9, and 150 pounds of skin and bones. He wore the same attire as the other man, but it didn't fit him anywhere near the same way. His hair was a mess, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. She felt like she could take this one and get away, now she just had to figure out how to do it.

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said.
"Use the bucket." The large man said as he pointed to a bucket in the corner of the room. "I can't go with you two creeps in here watching me!" Amayah hissed. "Whack!" Before she knew what happened the big burly man slapped Amayah, and sent her flying. "Piss yourself then!" He said as he spit at her.

When Amayah looked up, she saw the skinny man looking at her, and she could see the fear and pain in his face. "Hey man, take a minute, you look like you need it, I'll keep her in line." The scrawny man said to the other. He looked at Amayah before he stepped out, " no funny business, I'm watching you bitch!" He yelled.

After the burly man left, the skinny guy leaned down to Amayah, "Hey are you okay ?" He asked sincerely. "I'm fine!" Amayah yelled. "Why are you worried about me? You are all a part of this, and all of you will pay." She said. "Look, I don't want to be here doing this shit but I had no choice, my father is pretty controlling." He replied.

"Who's your father?" She spat at him. "His name is Lorenzo DeLuca, and he has been tracking you for a long time." He said. "Why, what have I done to him?!" She screamed. "You murdered my brother." He replied. "I can guarantee you, if I killed him he deserved it." She said. "I never said he didn't, I'm the one who contacted you." He said quietly.

"YOU WHAT!? You're the one who contacted me, and your father is trying to kill me?" She said "He doesn't know, if he did, I would be dead already." He replied. "So who was he?" "His name was Angelo DeLuca. H-" Amayah cut him off before he could finish. "YOU MEAN THE ONE WHO MURDERED HIS WIFE AND KIDS!?!?"

"That's what I was trying to tell you, before you cut me off." He said snarkily "My father never believed anything bad anyone said about my brother." He added. "Okay, well I'm on a job, and I'm not about to die here, so I need help getting out of here." She said matter of factly.

"That's gonna take some time, but I'll do what I can, just try not to piss off the big guy while I work my magic." He said sarcastically. "What's your name?" She asked. "Roman, but if anybody asks, I didn't tell you anything." He responded. Just then they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Roman stood up and assumed his position by the door.

The big guy stuck his head in the door to check on how everything was going. "Is that bitch behaving?" He asked angrily. "Yeah, everything going fine." Roman said. "But I really need to speak to my father if you could have him come down here." He added.

"Yeah whatever." The big guy said. He closed the door and walked away. They sat in silence for a moment, wanting to make sure they couldn't be heard. "I can do what I can to make sure they don't kill you, everything else is gonna be on you." He said. "Oh no, see you are the reason I am in this mess, so whatever I say is what we are gonna do, or I'll out you to your entire family." Amayah said.

Roman knew at that point, that he had no choice but to cooperate with her. In this family it was kill or be killed and he wasn't gonna be on the losing side. Footsteps came down the hallway once more, and Roman knew it was his father from the sound of his shoes. He stepped out of the room to speak to his father, knowing if he said eyes on Amayah she was dead.

When Roman stepped back into the room there was a little more hope in his eyes. "So what happened?" Amayah asked. "Well, I have convinced my father to keep you alive, I told him you were of more use alive then dead." Roman explained. "Use for what? Your personal hit woman?" Amayah chuckled. "Well...." Roman said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding." She replied. Roman gave her a half sympathetic smile. "At least you'll be alive." He said

They didn't speak for the remainder of the day, they were both contemplating everything that had happened. Roman didn't know if he made the right decisions, and Amayah didn't know if she was going to make it out alive, but they both had to work with what they had.

That night two bigger men came and took Amayah, and transported her somewhere else. She was blindfolded the entire time so she couldn't see where she was going, but her hearing was unmatched. On the way there, she heard a train and some cars, so she knew they were near railroad tracks, and she knew exactly how many turns they took.

Finally they arrived at their destination, the vehicle they were in came to a stop and the two men removed her. "Where are we at?" She asked. "She asks too many questions." She heard one of them say. "The boss is not gonna like that, she won't make it long." The other one said.

She felt them walk her up a long flight of stairs, and through a door. Once inside, her blindfold was removed, and what she saw shook her to the core.

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