My first day

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Breath in... Breath out... first day of school. No big deal... No problem.' You walk through the grass as dawn arises.

Phew, it's still chilly. I should not have worn a dress; all it's doing is making me more anxious. Though, I do look good."

You wore your favorite dress a short light red with hugged you. Covered with white flowers and a red bow at the sweetheart neckline. Alongside a gold necklace, earrings, white short tights, and black converses. Your backpack was light as you didn't even bother with books until you knew what you were getting into. Suddenly a gust of wind flew past you, giving an eerie feeling pointing you into the direction of a small path. 

'Nope Nope Nope I am not dying on the first day of school. But......' You've always had a thrill for adventure and the school was in that direction. As well as it being a shorter walk if you did.

"Alright, I won't die, I mean I've been through worse." You walk towards the path, it's a bit over grown in certain spots, but a flower caught your eye.

"Wow..." The flower was a bit large; it was vibrant compared to the rest of the woods. A bright green stem with a deep blue for its petals. Yet even then it shone as if the sun was upon it. You wished to pick it but didn't in fear of destroying its beauty. When suddenly....

" UGH!" A bird had just pooped on you as you we're leaning over the flower.

"Just great... I'm never taking this path again." Seeing a nearby pond you go over in an attempt to wash off this bird poop. Leaning in you start seeing a figure which isn't your own.

"What... the..." Leaning further you could make out a figure, a young man around your age or older facing away from you and talking. Confused you look around only to lose your balance and fall in to the lake. You're shocked by the cold water as you fall deeper into it, yet you want to survive. Thrashing around you move more and more till you feel a surface.
GASP! Cough Cough. Once out of the water you can finally breathe an appreciate the nice warm air. Warm? Opening your eyes, you see the boy you saw in the water. Looking very confused. Behind him are 5 more boys, each looking older with confused angry faces.


The gang of boys continue talking

"Why is there a chick in the water... Whatever! Hey JoJo! Continue undressing or I'll wipe that UGLY COWLICK off your stupid head!"

The boy with a unique pompadour hairdo immediately stops and slowly stands up taller. "What did you say about my hair?..."
'That doesn't sound so good.' The main delinquent is suddenly thrown back buy a strange force. Into his friends making them all fall down.

"Woah!" The guy's face is churning in a strange way. His face realigning. Looking different than before.

"My face! What's wrong with my face?!" His friends look at him with worry.

"Let's get out of here!" The run onto the bus without their friend.

"H-Hey! Wait for me! What's wrong with my face?! He runs off after them holding his face. The boy finally speaks up after placing a turtle down.

"Huff that solves that."
"Um- excuse me?"
"AH- "You yet again fall back in the fountain as the boy towers over you.

"Oh, hello? What... are you doing in the fountain? Um- would you like help?" He extends his hand out. You're hesitant but eventually grab his hand.

"Yes, thank you." He hoists you up with ease, still towering above.

"So, what are you doing in the pond and how did you even get there?"

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