5. Gym

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Dream POV: 

It was Wednesday night, and I was swamped on the couch with homework. Karl was in his room listening to music, while Bad and Quackity were somewhere out to eat. I groaned. This would take me all night. There was a knock on the door. "Ughhhhhh." I groaned. I got up and opened the door. 

When I did, I was a bit surprised who it was. George had come for a visit. I had become close to Sapnap during the classes we had together and he's a good friend. With George here alone, I knew something was about to go down, and it wouldn't be something good. 

George walked around me, no invite inside, and placed himself on the couch. "Hey. If you're looking for Sapnap, he isn't here," I said as I closed the door. I walked over to the couch and sat down, staying as far away from him as possible. He got a bit closer to me. "Oh, I know. That's why I'm here," he said. 

I got a bit nervous. George was acting weirder than usual. "Okay...why don't you go find him then?" I asked him. At this point, he was inches away from my face. "I'd rather hang out with you..." he told me. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me. 

He then jumped on top of me. "What are you..." I was cut off by George, who started kissing me. He held my face in his hands, and I did the same. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm in shock about two things: 1. George pouncing on me 2. I'm enjoying it. 

At that moment, I heard the lock click and the door swung open. "Hey, guys...." Bad trailed off. He saw George and I making out and slowly backed away. "I'll leave you guys to chill," he said. I heard the door of our room open and close. 

I managed to get George off of me. "What is wrong with you? You're dating Sapnap," I asked him. I then took a defensive stance. "What's wrong is that you and I aren't together!" he said, trying to get closer to me. I jumped back. His phone then rang. He looked at it and turned it off, "It's Sapnap. Like I'm going to answer it," even rolling his eyes. 

"But I better get going," he says. He gathers his things and walks towards the door. "And by the way...you better not tell Sapnap about this. You wouldn't want to hurt him," he says, giving me a pouty face. And he walks out the door. I am definitely stressed now. I can't be doing this to Sapnap, he's my friend now. 

I haven't even known George that long for this to be worth anything. I sighed and trudged back to the couch. The next day, I woke up full of guilt. Normally I'm not one to care about things like this, or even get involved, but this is not making me feel good. 

I stared outside my window. Dozens of students were walking and chatting on the quad. I got up and decided to walk to school. Minutes later, I was at the entrance. I looked around and just my luck, Sapnap and George were together. Ugh. Today was going to be an even LONGER day than I'd hope for. 

I walked up to the entrance, hoping Sapnap wouldn't notice me. But no such luck. "Hey Dr—" I cut him off. "I left something in first period, so I have to go! I'll see you later!" I told him. I rushed into the building. I honestly didn't forget anything, but I just couldn't face Sapnap right now. 

As I was running I stopped and took a deep breath. I overheard George and Sapnap. Sapnap says, "Dream is acting a little off today." "He seems perfectly fine to me," George said, sounding very calm. I rolled my eyes. I'm really starting to hate this school. I didn't really want to come here in the first place, and now, this on top of everything. 

The warning bell rang. I turned around and headed for my first period. I quickly dashed into the gym and the starting bell rang. I exhaled a breath of relief. All the students were seated at the bleachers. I scanned the crowd and spotted Karl. 

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