2. Welcome!

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Bad POV:

Wilbur leads us out of the office and into the busy hallway. "Welcome to the halls of Easton High. As you can see it is very busy at this time of day," he explained. "Yeah, it's a school of course it's going to be busy," Dream said sarcastically. Wilbur ignores him, then leads us to the cafeteria, shows us our tables, how we should get our lunches, etc. 

"Is there any meat at this school, or is everyone a vegetarian?" Dream asked. Wilbur replies, "Yes there is. We offer various poultry and several other meats ." I can tell he's annoyed based on how he said it. It hasn't even been ten minutes, and Dream has already become a nuisance. 

Luckily, I guess, Quackity hit it off well with Wilbur and with everyone so far. Quackity gets along with everyone because who wouldn't like him? They began to talk and talk, on and on, to a point where it felt like it wouldn't stop. I really want to cast a silence spell on them, but that would make a bad impression. 

We turn a corner and bump into some guy. Wilbur says, "Oh, this is my boyfriend guys! Schlatt." Schlatt waved, "Welcome to Easton." He said it, not at all sounding enthusiastic. Although, he seemed really nice and went on the rest of the tour with us. I can tell that Wilbur likes him . They look so in love. 

I sigh; Quackity never treated me like that and we've been dating for a year and a half! I look at Quackity and move a bit closer to him, trying to hold his hand. He instantly pulls it away. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Trying to act like a couple," I told him. "Well don't. It's weird." he huffs. After that, we didn't talk for the rest of the tour. Dream asks us what's wrong, but neither of us answers. 

Later, Wilbur takes us to our dormitories. He says, "We have reached the last stop of our tour. Welcome to your room!" He walks us into the large living room. "This room connects both of your rooms," he explained. The living room is pretty big. It has a main sitting area and a huge flat screen TV. There's two bedrooms and the rooms look pretty cool. There are two twin beds in each room. The bathroom is even better: it has a toilet seat warmer. 

Wilbur says, "There will be a laundry service every three days and make sure your rooms are clean for inspection. If you need anything, just call. Bye!" He said as he walked out of the room, hands linked with Schlatt's. 

We all headed to our rooms and began to unpack. Dream and I share a room, while Karl and Quackity share a room. Dream is my best friend, and Karl is Quackity's, so we decided it's good to split it like that. It's Friday and our first day would be Monday. I am a bit worried about what everyone will think of us. But whatever happens, we'll be doing it together.

Quackity POV:

Yesterday, Bad and I...kinda fought. I still can't believe it. It wasn't a big fight or anything, but still. At least it was tense between us. I sigh. The memories of yesterday came rushing back where he tried grabbing my hand, and I asked him what he was doing. He said he was trying to hold my hand, but no way was I going to hold hands with him. 

Not in this new environment anyway. If a better guy comes around I don't want Bad to be attached to me. I care about him, but not in a relationship-type way anymore. He's been there through a lot with me, I wouldn't want to break his heart. 

But I hate to admit, I'm only dating him because I don't have other options. I have Karl, but I only like him in a best friend way, nothing more or less. 

Today is Saturday and Dream, as always, just had to start something with me. He accuses me of eating the last cupcake and that I have to give him money to buy a new one, even though we all know he ate it. I give him a smirk, "You'll regret that!" I snapped my hands and suddenly Dream blacked out. 

But it won't be long before he wakes up, and when he does he'll forget everything that happened. I step over his body and walk towards my room. Just as I walked in, Karl walked out. "Quackity, you should really go talk to Bad. He's been really upset since yesterday," he said. I scoff, "Well, if he's so upset he should come talk to me." 

Bad heard me and walked out of his room, "I tried talking to you, but you and your stubbornness wouldn't let me say a word." "You're just trying to make me look bad. I gave you a chance but you didn't say anything when I came up to you." I said with anger rising in my voice. I tried my best to sound confident, but we both knew that that wasn't true. 

"Well--". Bad got interrupted by Karl. "I'm sick of it!" Karl yelled. "You two are arguing over the most stupid things," he said looking at both of us. He says, "Quackity, Bad just wanted to hold your hand like a couple usually would do, just because of that you don't have to hate him for trying. You need to learn that you can't always be right!" 

Bad started to chuckle. I say, "Well if you hold his team so much, why don't you be his boyfriend?!" Bad cut into the conversation, "Why did you go out with me in the first place? We have never REALLY been a couple. In fact, we've never even KISSED." The room becomes silent. 

"Do you...actually even love me?" He asked. 

I turn around and walk to my room. I slam the door behind me, lock it, and sit on my bed. Instead of protecting his heart from being broken, I just shattered it even more than I would have if we broke up, or never even dated in the first place. He deserves better than me...

Word Count: 1062

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