Me want Papa...

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Chapter 11 <3


"Puffy," Sapnap said, holding out a crying Dream to her. Puffy takes Dream in her arms.

"Hello, Sapnap, hello Dream! Awww, don't cry, mama's here-" Puffy starts being getting cut off by Dream. 

"N-NO! You no m-mama! Me wan' pa-papa!" Dream crys. 

"Duckling, who is this papa?" Puffy said, rasing an eyebrow to Sapnap, Quackity, and Sam. 

"Papaaaa!!!!" Dream cries, struggling to get out of Puffy's grip.

"He meams Tommy," Sam informs. 

Puffy frowns. "Duckling, don't let them lie to you. I'm your mama, remember?"


"So what are we going to do?" Tubbo asked. 

"I'm going to fucking kill them," Tommy snarled. 

"Yeess blood," Techno nods.

"I mean a plan to get Dream," Tubbo stated.

"I kill them and take Dream, duh,"

"Tommy!" Philza scolds, lightly hitting the blondes head. 

"I missed having my little duckling so little like this," Puffy said, smiling. 

"We think tommy and the others might come for him, by the way, Puffy," Sapnap warned. "We're gonna need to put him somewhere they won't know."

"Think? Sap, we know they will come for him," George said, rolling his eyes.

How did George get here you ask? Apparently most of the SMP knew about this. 

"Well where will we keep him?" Puffy asked, rasing an eyebrow. 

"Sam made something," Quackity answers. 

"Then let's go,"

Dream woke up in a completely knew place. 

"Papa?" Dream asked, looking around for Tommy. 

"Duckling, nooo, its your mama," Puffy said, picking up Dream. 

Dreams eyes widen, frantically looking around for Papa, now remembering what happened.

"Noo! P-papaaaa!" Dream wined, trying to get out of Puffys grip.

"Shhhh, its okay, Duckling. Your mama will take care of youuu," Puffy cooed, wiping off the tears that fell down Dreams cheeks. "And Sammy can be your new Papa."

"NOO!" Dream cried, more tears running down his face. 

"Me want Papa...."


Tommy and the others had been trying for days to find Dream. They found nothing. Tommy was devastated, Dream had been gone for way too long. Who knows what they could be doing to Dream. Tommy didn't even want to think about how Dream felt. Tommy would have all the SMP's (well expect for the SBI and Tubbo, Ranboo, and Micheal...Shroud of course too.) heads on a fucking stick if they didn't know where Dream was, and the amout of new security everywhere. 

Tommy was walking though a forest a little ways from the SMP, when he heard the crunch of sticks running towards him at a fast pace.

"PAPAAA!" A voice cries. Tommy recognized that voice anywhere. Tommy immediately spun around to see Dream crash into Tommy, clinging to him like his life depended on it. 

"DREAM!" Tommy cried of relief.

Therefore scars all over him. Ones that hadn't been there when Tommy last saw him. Sure, he had some scars but no this much. 

And it fucking pissed Tommy off.

"Shh, it okay, I'm here now," Tommy said, kneeling down and hugging Dream. 

"Dream. Tommy," A familiar voice said. 


"Come on duckling, come back too your mama," Puffy said in a sugar-coated tone.

"Come near him and I'll fucking murder you, Puffy," Tommy snarled.

"Hes my duckling. Besides. Its not like you are suited well enough for beinf a parent,"

"......If thats true....then why did Dream run to me, huh?"


*dies* haven't updated in foreverrrrr- whoppsie-



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