They will pay

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Chapter 10 <3


Tommy immediately stood up and stood infront of Dream. Dream hid behide Tommy, but his head poking out to see who it was. 

"Technoblade," Quackity said, vemon in his tone.

"Quackity," Techno said, just as much bitterness in his tone.

"Why the hell are you here, Sam and Quackity?" Tubbo asked, crossing his arms. "Didn't even knock, thats a little rude, don't you think?"

Quackitys eyes went to Tommy and to the little head poking out behide Tommy. Quackity then alerts his gaze to Tommy, a slight smrik on his face. 

"New kid, Tommy?" Quackity smriked. "Seems to run in the family, huh? Whats his name? Is it perhaps....Dream?"

The tension in the room was thick, strong glares feel between the people in the room.  That was until a yelp was herd, all heads turning towards who made that sound. 


Dream was currently being held by the collar of his shirt, by a person who was just now appearing, someone who had a invisible potion. 


Dream desperately tired to get out of the strong grip of Sapnap, wanting nothing more than to get to his father. Quackity and Sam wore smug smiles. Tommy griped his sword, not even a inch away from attacking Sapnap. But attacking him could hurt Dream. 《HIS CHILD》

"Sapnap. Let him fucking go," Tommy says, glaring Sapnap down.  "He's a fucking child! He didn't do anything to you!!"

"It doesn't change the fact that it Dream," Sapnap coldly said, bringing Dream closer to him. (Sapnap)

"He's like Ghostbur! But a LITERAL CHILD FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Tommy protests. "And he used to be YOUR best friend,"

"And calling him an it?!" Tubbo buts in, shaking his head disapprobly. "Hes still a damn human,"

"P-Pwpa!" Dream crys, still struggling to get out of Sapnaps grip. "Pwpaaaa!!"

Tommy's heart ached at hearing Dreams pained cries for him. 

"Well, it's been nice talking to you but off we go," Sapnap bitterly said. 

"NO!" Tommy shouts, lunging towards Sapanp. But in a flash, they disappear from sight. 

Tommy stares at the spot where Dream used to be. Guilt washes over him. He couldn't protect him. Tommy was right fucking there, he could of done more. But a different emotion overpowered that guilt. 


They where going to PAY for taking Dream. 


That anger seemed to retaliate off him and spend to the others. To my griped his sword so hard he thought it might break. 

They will pay.


Short chapter....but good plot >:]

Thanks for readinngggggggggg

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