Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"We're with you general." Cat said. Mouse nodded as they gathered round, and the others followed suit, "Whatever you need."

Kyah smiled to them as she felt the landing gear engage, and got a thumbs up from Wingman.

"Everyone ready?" She asked, and they nodded to her, priming their weapons and pulling on their helmets. "Lets go." She said and took a deep breath as she opened the door of the ship, and lowered the ramp.

She went out first, with Spinner close behind, and each other team member falling into place behind him, covering every angle as they made their way across the platform which lay in the shadow of the huge fortress. It's entrance resembled that of a cave, with pillars of carved black stone stretching upwards in endless spirals. It was as if someone had carved the structure from the very mountain it was built on top of.

Kyah felt uneasy as she looked up at the huge fortress. She took a few steps towards it but something unseen drew her back. She turned around and looked over at an old mining facility, practically falling apart from years of neglect.

"General?" Spinner called her, as he gestured to the fortress.

She looked over to it, but still found herself turning back to the ruin behind her.

"I... uh... hold on." She shook her head and closed her eyes as her hands came up to hold her head, "I can't think straight." She groaned.

Spinner walked over to her, placing a hand on her back, "What's going on kid? What can we do?" He asked.

"I feel pulled both way." She admitted, looking between the buildings. "The fortress was in my vision, but my every instinct is telling me to stay away." She admitted.

Spinner nodded, "What's drawing you to the old factory?" he asked.

"I don't know, I can't explain it." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing her attention inward. She called on the force again for guidance, and felt herself involuntarily turning towards the worn down rubble.

She opened her eyes, and caught a glimpse of a flickering blue light through the smashed window of the mining factory, "In there." She said excitedly and pointed to the light. "Did you see that?" She asked and Spinner followed her finger, looking inside, but shook his head.

"What am I looking for?" He asked.

"There was a light." She said and started walking towards the entrance.

"Are you sure?" He asked as the clones hurried to keep up with her.

"Positive. In my vision, there was a blue light all around Anakin." She explained quickly, and ducked under the door, hanging half off it's hinges and leaning across the entrance.

She zipped inside, looking around the room at the discarded parts and empty crates which lined the perimeter. There were chains hanging from the rafters, over row upon row of machinery with no sign of life left in them.

"I doubt anything in here still has power." Patch said as he ducked inside. "You're sure you saw a light?" He asked.

Kyah chewed the inside of her lip, as she walked the narrow isles. She looked under and over every piece of the robotics around her, but found no sign of life.

Reaching the far end of the factory, she walked along the back wall. Turning to the left and peaking around the side of the building, she again saw the tiny flash of blue light, mid way down the wall.

Her breath caught in her throat as she ran towards it, skidding to a halt in front of a polished metal door, with a keypad beside it, and a small, blinking, blue light on top.

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