Checking the corridor one last time, he entered the fetchingly pink office and shut the door behind him, opting not to lock it only out of fear that he would have to make a hasty exit. All around him, the numerous decorations covered in moving cats began to protest against his entrance in a number of sharp hisses and unforgiving mewls of displeasure, all of which he ignored as he ducked towards the fireplace, grabbing as little floo powder as he could manage so as to keep his presence within there a secret, a moments later he was ducking over the fireplace, head only where the green flames should be and using the remainder of the invisibility cloak to cover everything up to his neck.

The kitchen of Grimmauld Place was quiet, and in a quick scan of the room it revealed that it was only Sirius in there, sat by the table and eating what looked like a bowl of porridge, reading yesterday's edition of the Daily Prophet.

"Sirius." Harry said, announcing his presence and causing his godfather to jump out of his skin, turning blindly around to find the source of the word before finding Harry's head sticking out of the fireplace there.

"Morning Harry." He grinned, before his expression fell into a panic. "What are you doing here? The Floo system is monitored and if the Ministry-"

"They won't." Harry assured.

Sirius eyes flickered with excitement. "Where are you?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter. Can you get-"

"Yes it does. Where are you?"

"It doesn't matter, Sirius, I only have a few minutes can you get-"

"Where are you, Harry?"

"I'm in Umbridge's office. The Ministry won't be tracking that." Harry admitted, and the grin on Sirius's face turned into a beam.

"I knew you were more like James than Molly was telling me." Sirius stood up from where he was crouching beside him, still smiling. "So, what can I do for you? I believe that it may or may not be a certain day in February and... you look like you might kill me. I'll go get Jane."

"Thanks." Harry managed to look a little grateful as his godfather disappeared out the kitchen, returning back a couple minutes later with his girlfriend in tow. "Hi." He smiled. "I only have..." he checked the grinning Cheshire Cat clock behind him, "...about ten minutes."

"That's okay." Jane came to sit down in front of the fire, spreading what looked to be a dishcloth over the slightly ashen-discoloured floor so as to not ruin her clothes. "I won't ask what the hell you're doing then."

"I can just explain it later." Sorius waved away her concern. "I'll be back in ten minutes on the dot. Give you two some privacy . But remember, leaning through a fireplace only works well on one end, and kissing through flames is not only hot in theory."

Jane threw a piece of firewood at him, but he disappeared through the door before it could hit him.

"So, Sirius says no kissing through the fireplace?" She blinked, almost innocently, and Harry would've done anything to actually kiss her right there and then.

"Merlin, I missed you." He let out a sigh. "It's been forever since Christmas and even then it wasn't the same. I just wish it was summer again."

"You say that, but you know how much you enjoy being at Hogwarts." Jane hummed, a finger playing with a tassel on the little brown waistcoat she was wearing. "But summer will be soon, if you're really that excited for it."

"I know it will be. Because then I won't have to wait for Dumbledore's permission to see you." Harry paused, a frown coming over his features. It was different from the conversation he expected, but he didn't really mind at that point - all he wanted to do was see her, whether they spoke about how much he missed her or just why he missed her so much (despite the fact that it filled him with a bubbling anger at Dumbledore for being so absent in all sense of the word). "Has he...?"

"Told me why yet? No, and everyone seems to be walking on footsteps around me for it. It can't have anything to do with..." She trailed off and looked guilty.


"I overheard something from an Order meeting, but Sirius swore me to secrecy." She admitted, quite freely. "I can't tell anyone about it, not even you. Even though I'm not entirely sure it was an Unbreakable Vow and you know what happens then."

"Yeah." Harry nodded, but there was a certain feeling in his stomach that he didn't like. "Tell me if you ever figure it out though?"

"Of course." Jane replied. "I'm trying for research Unbreakable Vows but not too much comes up about them except what they are and that I could die if I don't keep it. And I don't think I want to risk that."

"No, of course not. It doesn't matter." Harry smiled, and glanced behind him out of what was quickly becoming a habit; he was becoming more and more nervous that Umbridge would be on her way to issue Fred and George and extra set of detentions for the week. "Just let me know?"

"Of course, I'd tell you everything if I could." She grinned at him, in the way that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like nothing could at all be wrong with the world except from the fact that Sirius was making her take Unbreakable Vows to hide something from everyone. And it was Valentine's day as well, and so Harry could only hope to return the conversation to that. "Aren't you supposed to be in Hogsmeade?" She asked.

"I took a little detour to speak to you." He shrugged. "Then Hermione wants to meet at the Three Broomsticks at about lunch. I have to find Ron first though. Did you get any of the Cupid stuff I sent yet?"

"I did - the cards were amazing. I think there is only a little thing missing from them, so I think I should have a chat with this Cupid to figure out some better pick-up lines." Jane replied. "I'm just finishing some schoolwork and then I've got plans."

"Plans? What plans?" Harry blinked, in a blind panic.

"Gonna do some baking." Jane replied, with a smile. "When Hedwig turns up next you're gonna get some pretty good cupcakes and other assorted baked goods. I was thinking pastries."

"Good, because these House Elves really don't live up to your standards." He replied.

"They're underpaid, Harry, what do you expect?" Jane said, a edge of disappointment to her tone. "How's that going with Hermione, by the way?"

"She's doing - shit."

"It's not going well?"

"No - no." Harry's heart had jumped to his throat; he could hear the telltale sound of the pink kitten heels that Umbridge wore. "I have to go - I love you, so so much, write soon, okay? I'll try to ask Dumbledore about... shit."

And with that, he disappeared from view.

happy valentines day!

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