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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Something had changed between them since Jane found out about everything. Something had adjusted, slotted into place - something that was so close to being perfect yet was missing the tiniest of incidents to actually become faultless. 

Of course, neither of them were without their complications, but now that Harry had gotten years worth of tension off of his back and he was no longer keeping very important truths from her.. there seemed to be a certain sublimity to their relationship, like they were floating on clouds and somehow both happier and mourning the days they spent in the sunny, hazy days within the countryside surrounding Little Whinging.

But now that Jane knew, there was confirmation that when Harry no doubtly had to return to 4 Privet Drive at the end of his fifth and by far most important school year it would all still be there and she would - hopefully - be just as willing to repeat it all again. To repeat the picnics, the walks that lasted them from sunrise to sunset, hours spent on a towl spread out on the rocks in front of the waterfall, taking the bus into the nearest towns, the celebrations that occured at the hands of Flora's muggle and wizarding influences.

Quite frankly, Harry couldn't wait. And now, seeing as she knew everything, it would become oh-so magical. Perhaps Sirius could stay, Remus as well, and they would manage to convince them to take them to the homes in which each of their parents had lived, respectively. Of course, this was all under the assumption that the situations wouldn't have grown direly worse and Voldemort was planning to come searching for them in the countryside. But Harry had spent a several weeks before something bad had happened, and maybe now that they weren't afraid of exposing the wizarding world to the Squib, there would be extra protection.

And he was still yet to properly tell her about the invisibility cloak, which had gotten mixed up amongst his trunk and was no possibly lost within the confines of the seemingly endless space under the bed on which Harry slept.

Or was supposed to be sleeping on. It was almost definitely not a good idea, considering Molly's mother-hen tendencies, but he and Jane had fallen into quite the habit of staying up half the night. He would wait until Molly had crept up to bed, making checks in all of their rooms, and then with the light of his wand, would climb the stairs up to Jane's room, tapping gently on the wooden door thrice before sleeping there, and Ron finding out that he actually had quite the ability to lie to his mum about everyone other than himself. 

He didn't seem to have nightmares then, whether they were nightmares in themselves or visions of what Voldemort was doing as suggested by both Hermione and Dumbledore, they just didn't seem to come when he fell asleep with his arm across her waist, his head pressed on the smooth, faintly freckled skin just below her collarbones whilst her fingertips traced the lines of his many, many scars - and then wake up to find that his girlfriend had been up for possible hours and was using his head as a rest for her latest book.

They would then proceed down too breakfast, often having to force themselves out of bed at the very last warning from a jeering Fred and George (who had quickly discovered their newfound habit after bumping into both Sirius and Harry on the landing, all heading in different directions; Fred and George wanted to search Buckbeak's room in the moonlight for feathers to experiment on, and Sirius had been heading for the kitchen, where there was already the shadow of a golden, candle-like glow coming from), and then spend the day helping with the cleaning, reading or Harry and Ron trying to teach both Hermione, Ginny and Jane Wizard's chess simultaneously. 

They were yet to be sit in on any order meetings, however Harry found himself much less crazy about going in now that he had Jane to talk to - there didn't seem to be anyone who understood his thoughts better - and he had watched as the Everleigh girl met both Bill and Charlie, who was over from Romania, and quickly mistook her for a new, never met before sister, as well as Tonks - who Jane was utterly fascinated with - and Mad-Eye Moody. She met Dedalus Diggle, Kingsley Shacklebolt who now had Sirius very appropriately located on the coast of Norway (to which Sirius had wished to be found in Normandy instead, for the seafood, pastries and apple cider) and both Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, which had been an apparent shock to Harry's system.

Snape had once again appeared in the hallway with an overly-dramatic flourish of his robes, and turned his gaze towards the steps expecting to find Harry and make some snide comment, only for his eyes to land of the girl beside him before he made some sort of spluttering noise and disappeared.

McGonagall, surprisingly, had lost a lot of her strict demeanour in front of the Everleigh. It appeared that, seeing as she wasn't a student and also the daughter of two people she had taught and missed dearly, there appeared an uncharacteristic softness, that reared it's head especially when the girl had shaken her hand quite firmly and instantly began questioning her on a Transfiguration concept that Harry had never heard of in his life and sounded amazingly complex. She had then mentioned something about a woman from Ancient Greek times named 'Circe', whom McGonagall knew a great deal about. 

It was after seeing his usually hardy Head of House leaving the dingy rooms of Grimmauld Place with a smile on her face - and any normal person would find themselvees morbidly depressed after finding themselves there for any longer than ten minutes - and a shine in her eyes that appeared oddly like tears, Harry realised something. 

He knew he often never had much choice in the matter, considering a variety of reasons, but Jane had done almost everything for him. It was her who managed to get him out of his shell, her who organised the activities and food, her who created a safe-haven away from the horrifying reality that was Harry's life and the home that he had been confined to with no choice since he was a baby, and her who allowed someone like him to fall so deeply in love with her. 

Harry wanted to do something for her. Something other than giving her a gift or spending precious, golden-filled moments with her that were infused with tiny kisses that seemed to be worth everything. He wanted to set something up for them. A date, maybe, although he wasn't sure if anything they had done prior to that was considered as such - he supposed the day to the beach most definitely was. 

Yes. Harry wanted to set up a date. A surprise date, although she was somehow omniscient, and definitely knew more than Harry did about many of his school subjects. 

Harry wanted to set up a surprise date. And he didn't care whether Fred and George would tease him about it and try to sneak him some of their products to test on her, he didn't care about the remotely embarassed sensation in his chest that he knew was there wrongly and tried his very hardest to expel. He would set up that date, and they were going to have a good time.

The only problem was, Grimmauld Place was worse than Privet Drive. The house was like the Slytherin common room but worse, dark and grimy and glowing with years of prejudice. It was like hell on earth. And they couldn't leave. At least.. he was pretty convinced of it, seeing as it had protection around him that stopped anyone from seeing it and someone had sent Dementors after him. 

Which meant that Harry was going to force his embarassment and inexperience and get some help. All whilst hiding it from her. Which wouldn't be an easy task, but he was more than willing to try.

right, i reckon harry
will end up going back
around the ninety chapter,
which gives me plenty of time
to get things in, and for my plans
to become organised

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