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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Mr Weasley was alright. He was going to live, he was fine, he was alive. Jane could physically see the tension of the unknown leaving Harry's body and he looked a little lighter as they listened to Mrs Weasley explain how Bill had taken the morning off of work to sit with him and they all would be going to visit later on.

Sirius busied himself with breakfast, making bacon, eggs, tea and toast and Jane quickly pulled Harry with her to help him; Mrs Weasley had glanced his way and he looked terrified he would be asked to recount what he had seen, but they had only just seperated and he had only just reached for the plates off of the dresser when Mrs Weasley took them out of his slightly trembling hands and wrapped him in a hug.

Something he most definitely needed, especially from her. "I don't know what would have happened if it hadn't been for you, Harry," the woman said in a muffled voice. "They might not have found Arthur for hours, and then it would have been too late, but thanks to you he's alive and Dumbledore's been able to think up a good cover story for Arthur being where he was, you've no idea what trouble he would have been in otherwise, look at poor Sturgis..."

Harry was released and he slotted back into place helping Jane cook. His expression looked forced, and it no doubt was; he didn't believe he was worthy of the gratitude, his mind still too focused on the idea that he was the true cause of Mr Weasley's injury. Jane used the hand that the carton of eggs she had recovered from the cupboard wasn't in to gentle squeeze his hand, offering him a smile. She was certain he wouldn't feel any better until he had seen Mr Weasley alive and well or gotten some sleep, perhaps both, because he was truly exhausted.

Mrs Weasley, however, was focused on thanking Sirius for the currently Christmas arrangements. Jane knew that the plan was for the Weasleys to return to the Burrow, and Harry would alternate between the two, as would Jane so as to not leave Sirius in a house that he hated - and the Potter listened as he busied himself with trying to put breakfast together.

However, as much as a relief speaking to Jane had been for him, there was a need for him to tell another adult - someone with magical knowledge that Jane was unable to posess - and he turned to Sirius as soon as he could manage and they disappeared into the pantry to talk. When they came out, it became clear that after breakfast the main aim of the rest of the morning would be for sleeping, and Jane herded up the crowd of Weasleys up the stairs, clutching her books and disappearing into her room.

Harry followed behind her, having changed quickly into what pyjamas he had left behind in September, and left behind Ron who had fallen asleep as soon as he had gotten into the room. But as much as Jane knew he needed to sleep and he needed to sleep, he was past sleep.

"You look exhausted, Harry." Jane said softly, even though she knew this and he had been laying in her lap with her hands combing through her hair in such a familiar way. Usually it would have him asleep in minutes, but at that moment it seemed unlikely.

"I... I am tired." He nodded. "I'm just.. I'm terrified that it'll come back."

"It won't." Jane couldn't promise it, but she could reassure him. "You heard Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley is recovering in hospital and Bill's there and I've never met Percy but I've met every other Weasley except him and I think that he's the most responsible brother. And he's a cursebreaker right? So he's seen some pretty gnarly stuff."

When Harry looked up at her that time he looked surprisingly calm. A warmth had returned to his eyes, something that had been missing since his initial sighting of his girlfriend - there was always that to deliver a initial state of calmness to his thoughts - but now he felt the same serenity that he had after the panic of the trial in August.

Jane knew that she was compensating for what she couldn't do. She could advise him and comfort him but she would never legitmiately know whether or not what she was saying was correct. But she would only do her best, and although Harry thought himself too pathetic at that moment to express it, what she had being doing that night was all that he needed from her. He didn't need her to suddenly be able to fix all his problems or be able to correctly explain why he was getting those visions, but he just needed her.

She had helped him more than she could ever know, and for that he would always be grateful.

"Yeah. Bill probably has seen some pretty gnarly stuff." Harry nodded, repeating her own words back to her. "Are you sure I can stay here?" He asked, as the ends of her fingers combed through hair again. "You're not gonna get uncomfortable... or go to sleep yourself?"

"I can't say I'm really thinking about sleeping." Jane admitted. "I'm not that tired anyway. You should just try and sleep. I'll be here and awake and ready to whatever I can if..." Her words trailed off, sentence left open ended because she didn't want to say it herself.

But Harry knew what she meant, and he smiled as much as he could and finally closed his eyes.

Her hands continued moving, brushing through his hair in a pattern that could usually lull him to sleep, but could only fail miserably at that moment. She almost jumped out of her skin when he sat up and he apologised profusely, watching as concern flickered across her features.

"I don't think I can." He told her, truthfully. "I can I just... can we just stay here for now?"

And she nodded and held him close as they waited for the hours to pass.

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