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-: fourth year :-


. . .

With Flora and Angela happily locked away in Mr Diggle's home overlooking the small bay-side village, Harry and Jane made their way down to the beach, making their way past the slowly building population of day visitors and finding a place to settle down on the sand. 

The Everleigh girl paused just before doing so, reaching into the wicker picnic basket and extracing a yellow and black checkered blanket, spreading it out on the floor. "I was going to use my flower one.. but Angela gave me this one instead - she said it was Flora's." The pair took of their shoes and sat down, feet sinking into the sand. 

"It doesn't suit you as much... but I guess you shouldn't ruin it with the sand." Harry commented as he took a seat, crossing his legs beneath him. "So, what's the plan."

Jane's head shot up from where she was organising the contents of the basket that had become messy since the journey. "Plan?" She repeated, doing her best to keep her expression blank. "What plan?" 

"Jane, I know you always have a plan." Harry was admittedly rather worried that she didn't have a plan. Like he said, she always seemed to have one no matter what they were doing that day. 

"It's your birthday." She didn't deny it any longer, voice soft as she closed the lid of the basket, knotting her fingers together as she looked up at him. "I didn't want to dictate your movements today of all days."

"Jane." Harry said, looking up at her. "I don't mind, not at all. What's your plan?" 

The ginger haired girl was silent for a moment, before she sat up and no longer had the almost guilty expression over her pretty features. "It's not a plan like I usually have, it's more of a loose one that I thought of this morning whilst I was eating breakfast."

"Hit me." 

"So, we spend a couple hours here, I made lunch and it has a lot of your favourites - or atleast I'm pretty sure they're your favourites." Jane paused to take a breath, but didn't wait for his reassurance. Which was good, she shouldn't need it. "And upon finding out that Flora was coming I managed to get my hands on a map but I did forget to bring it but.. I have it mostly memorised anyway." 

She racked her brains for a moment, eyes glazing over as she stared up at the cliff edge. "There are several walks along here and if I'm right then if we take that path." She pointed over at a small, twisting line of brown amongst the surface of green. "Then it should take us to Corsair Bay which is an old hidden pirates and smugglers cove from centuries ago. Apparently theres a smugglers tunnel as well, which would be interesting."

"And then?" Harry pushed her a little further, just to get the rest of her explanation out. She might have called it a loose plan, but it was clear she had done her research on the place before they arrived.

"We can spend an hour or so there - we just have to be careful of the tide - and if we want we can continue walking a bit further or come back here and take another route in the other direction, then come back and go get ice cream before meeting Flora." Jane looked almost pleased with herself as she adjusted her skirt over her knees. 

"Sounds like you have everything planned out." Harry grinned. "So, we've got a couple hours here right? We can leave our stuff here, can't we?"

"I don't think the residents make a habit of stealing picnics... so I suppose so." Jane watched with a smile as Harry got up, holding out his hand. "What are you doing?" She asked.

Harry didn't reply, instead just pulling her up and dragging her across the sand. "You said you don't remember last time you came to the beach and I.. well the last time I saw the ocean was during a storm. So instead of me just experiencing things like always.. we both can." 

"What?" Jane laughed as they arrived at the oceans' edge, the gentle waves instantly colliding with them. Despite the sun they were considerably cold, but inviting against the warm sand of the beach. 

Jane's expression was unreadable, but so happy as she watch the salty water roll over, hand still connected to Harry. "You know I would kiss you right now but there still isn't a clover in sight." She admitted, and Harry's head shot up towards her, shoulders brushing as she came closer.

"You would? Because of that?" He was confused, but his heart was pounding in his chest. "But why?" 

"Because that's the first time you've done anything like that." Jane smiled up at him. "First time you've taken charge and just done something.. spontaneous."

Harry grinned, his ears burning. The waves crashed into them, and just over her shoulder he eyed the hill behind them, with the path etched out across green. With any luck, he'd find the clover there. 

He had to, he was almost desperate at that point.

i forgot to mention
it but the basis of the
village is runswick bay.
i dont know if theres a 
hidden cove, i've just been
to the beach there and
made the cove up now

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