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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Fred and George had Apparated out of Jane's room with matching small silver rings in their right ears, large grins across the face at the thought of their mother's reaction the following morning. Not so long after they had left Harry had fallen asleep in the comfortable confines of Jane's bed, arm draped across her waist and kept warm in the lavender-embroidered sheets.

They didn't really want to think of the reality that would arrive in the morning; Harry would be going to Hogwarts and Jane would remain there in Grimmauld Place. Of course, Harry feared that the nightmares that threatened to come back much more saturated than the images that flashed through his mind each and  every night he spent by her side. With much luck, just the thought of her could quell them a little, but until then Harry would relish in the calm her presence brought him. 

But yet the peace formed in the airy room couldn't last and it was broken thoroughly by the sound of hammering on the door. Harry shot awake, sitting up in the bed as Jane stirred next to him, eyes screwed shut in face of the light on the morning of the 1st of September and loud noise.

"Jane! Jane! And Harry - I know you're in there." Mrs Weasley's voice came though. Beside him, Jane shot up as well.  "I've known you've been sleeping in there for several nights but have said nothing due to both Sirius and Flora allowing it - but Godric if you two don't get up right now you will make us all late for the train and then there will be hell to pay. There will be no flying cars this year!"

Harry winced, a hand pulling through the knot of hair above him and reaching for his glasses on the table, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Yeah, Mrs Weasley, I figured people wouldn't be so pleased with that the second time around." He called.

"Personally I thought it quite amusing." Jane mused. "When do we have to leave, Mrs Weasley?"

"Forty-five minutes. And Harry, don't think I haven't seen the state of your's and Ron's room. Honestly, you would have though a Hippogriff barged through at the sight of it. You've not finished packing." 

"I know." Harry groaned. "I'll be two minutes."

"Good, good." Mrs Weasley's footsteps could be heard retreating from the doorway, and Harry turned to Jane.

"I have to go and pack. And change." He said, sliding out of the covers.

"I know. I have to get dressed." Jane smiled, watching as he held out a hand a pulled her to her feet. "Woah - too fast." Her hand clutched his for a moment too long and met his eyes, free hand reaching to push up the bridge of his glasses. "I'll come to your room as soon as I'm ready... maybe help you actually pack neatly?" 

"That... would be a lot of help." Harry nodded. "Be quick, you can help Ron as well."

"God, are both of you really that useless?" 

"Definitely. Without the house-elves at Hogwarts we would be living in a pigsty." He grinned and broke their grasp on each other, heading towards the door. "See you in a bit." 

"See you." Jane nodded, waiting for the door to unlock, open and close before the panic showed on her face, turning towards her wardrobe. She should have spent at least five minutes the previous night deciding on what she would wear - something she didn't usually have such a problem with - however there was more worry than there should be running through her veins in the face of being in the presence of so many other witches and wizards when the made their way to King's Cross that morning.

She had dressed as formally as she could whilst still feeling entirely confident when she visited the Ministry, but that was in front of many older wizards who she couldn't quite bring herself to appease in their standards of what was appropriate and what wasn't. But this was different - this was so much different, and Jane didn't know in which direction to go.

Finally she settled on something of her usual attire, similar to many of the outfits she had frequented during her time at Adley Manor but deemed a little too cold for the inside of Grimmauld Place - which always had some kind of chill no matter how many fires were lit; she had chosen a summer dress.

It was blue and checkered, and wore an even lighter blue t-shirt below it for some warmth. The dress was tightened below her bust and there was a single ruffle where it came to stop mid-thigh. She chose white lace-up shoes and lace socks that would gather at her ankles, and for that fact she attached a small golden anklet around the jutting-out bone. She matched it with her other jewellery and let her hair out of the two plaits it had been pulled up in over night and instead placed two matching blue clips to hold curls back from her face. Minimal makeup was applied, a small white backpack was packed of her book, purse and the very first letter she had written to Harry to give to him at the station was slipped in.

She was undeniably upset about about the idea of Harry going back too school, and extremely nervous about going to King's Cross (unusually so, she felt even more odd about feeling as such than she did with her nerves) but that didn't mean she would be hiding away in her room all morning. 

And so, she slipped out of her room and moved to join Ron and Harry in hopes of helping them pack. And she would value every moment spent with them until the house became quiet like it had before the Order inhabited it. 

She would just have to get used to it.

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