Chapter 17 Stella

Start from the beginning

Athrun just looked at Shinn with an annoyed look, as Shinn began to leave.

Shinn: Goodbye.

Rey: Excuse me.

As both Shinn and Rey left, Nhazul narrowed his eyes, as Athrun looked down.

Athrun: ...


Sometime later in the night, the soon enough, the Minerva, sorely under-equipped took off from Gibraltar, heading north deeper into Eurasia, as they had revived a message from Headquarters is ordering All ZAFT forces to go to emergency status, as a Eurasian Federation land battleship that was engaged with an enormous mobile armor.

The Minerva, having taken off from Gibraltar, was headed northeast across Eurasian Federation territory at low altitude, towards Germany - a distance of over 2,000 miles. They had passed west of the Pyrénées before turning across France, moving at near-flank speed the entire time.

 They had passed west of the Pyrénées before turning across France, moving at near-flank speed the entire time

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The entire time, they had received updates on the enemy mobile armor's rampage. After Warsaw, it had proceeded to Berlin, where it had burned the city to the ground, exterminating the Eurasian Federation and ZAFT forces that had converged on the city. Then, it had continued on its way, its target clear: Hamburg, just as he'd anticipated.

It was a race against time to see if they could reach the city first, and Talia was afraid it was a race they would lose. So he pushed his crew and his ship harder than he'd had since they'd set off from the PLANTs.

Nhazul and Shinn, meanwhile, were standing by to launch, reviewing what they knew of their enemy. Athrun, Rey and Lunamaria were present, as the monitor lit up.

Talia: Nhazul, Shinn.

Shinn: What is it?

Talia: The situation's worse than I'd expected. We can't contact any of our frontline forces, and the enemy is being engaged by the Freedom and the Archangel.

Hearing this, Nhazul's eyes, along with everyone's widened.

Nhazul: What?!

Athrun: Kira...

Nhazul: What the hell are they doing here?!

Talia: No idea what they might be planning. But remember that you two only have one target.

Nhazul sucked his teeth annoyed.

Talia: I know our battle power is limited right now... But ship has been ordered to stop that monster, no matter what it takes. Headquarters is counting on you both. Give it your best.

Nhazul and Shinn: Yeah.

As Shinn walked out, heading towards the hanger, Nhazul was following behind, when Athrun spoke up.

Athrun: Nhazul.

Nhazul: Hmm?

Athrun: Good luck.

Nhazul: Thanks.

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