Teju's Examination

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Teju pushed the glass of water being pissed by friends who were not letting her eat in peace coz of this bloody glass of water.

She poured her frustration on the lifeless glass making it lay on the table and water fell wetting the entire table and failed their plan.

"Do hell with this glass of water. Now neither I want Diet Coke, nor this so called water."

Teju slammed the table and stormed out of the cafeteria while mumbling curses to her friends.

"I hate you three, I am already exhausted and you all are pissed me by poking your nose in the matter what should I eat or drink. This is so annoying."

Teju's fast pace came to halt when her favorite soft drink, Diet Coke came in front of her from behind a pillar, opened with a straw stuffed in it.

Her huffed face changed into gloating a smile and she lift her head to see Karan was standing there holding the can and offering her.

Teju stood there surprised, neither she accepted the can nor refused.

Karan waited for a while then he got her inner dilemma, he held her hand and stuffed the can in her hand.

"Dr. Teju, you must be exhausted because of the chaotic day and you worked hard but pretty good ending, so take your favorite soft drink as a reward. These three idiots didn't let you drink it before, now have it all and get refreshed." Karan said while pointing towards Aly, Adaa and Jasmin standing behind her.

Teju didn't say anything just bowed to thank him and took a sip.

Karan looked at the three friends who couldn't accomplish a simple task and shook his head showing his disappointment. Then he showed his two fingers as a sign of victory, that he had completed their incomplete task and walked out.

Aly, Adaa and Jasmin apologized to Teju for upsetting her and pulled her again to the cafeteria.

While eating and chatting suddenly Teju's head reeled and she held her head by her both hands. Her friends smirked inwardly with the fact that it's the affect of potion.

"Teju, are you alright?" Adaa asked with fake concern.

"Yes I am fine......"

"How can she be fine, Adaa, she was working too hard lately, she must be infected. Let's take her to the casualty room." Jasmin said.

"I said I am fine, nothing happen JM, so relax......" Teju said immediately but she was uneasy, she was dizzy and vision got blur.

"You shut up, nobody is asking you." Aly scolded simmi then said to Adaa, "By taking the rules of the hospital into accord, we interns can't examine our fellow intern. So we need to send her to any senior doctor. For now either send her to Dr. Prince or Dr. KK."

Teju's eyes widen in shock and fear. She don't want to face Karan, because she had fear that he will scold her for being careless of her own health blah blah...

She was about to deny, but Jasmin said before her.

"Dr. Prince has a surgery in schedule, so he will not be available."

'Oh gosh, why luck never in my favor.'

"Alright then, send her to Dr. KK." Aly said.

"Guys I am fine, no need to get anxious over trivial matter and SB, don't make fuss for no reason to alarm everbody. It's just weakness and I will be fine after rest."

Teju opposed strongly, but got sharp glares from her friends.

"He already told you to shut up, didn't he? You are born reckless to your own self and I knew it well."

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