The Naughty Teju

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Even though the day was quite hectic in the beginning and for the first time Dr Karan Kundrra and Dr. Teju Kapoor coordinate with each other on a case with almost same view, but it ended on a bad note.

At the end they both finally had disagreement again coz of their different point of view. They again ended their day with dispute.

Karan threatened Teju which was unreasonable for her and she walked out of his cabin in annoyance.

"The real monster is him, Mr. Hitler Kundrra, huh. What does he think of me, a little baby, who can't take care of herself?" Teju blabbered to herself while walking into the passage.

"I should think more deeply into this......."

Teju was walking aimlessly with deep thoughts and was about to collide with her friends Adaa and Jasmin, who were heading towards her from opposite direction.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Teju asked excitedly.

After such a frantic day and sight of only blood and patients in the emergency room its good to see her friends than Dr. Karan Kundrra

"We were looking for you, but why are you coming out again from the dean's cabin and what were blabbering just now?" Adaa asked bit rudely.

After duty hours, Adaa and Jasmin were looking for Teju to head home and came to know that she is in the dean's cabin again which made them worried and annoyed at the same time.

"Teju, why your day starts and ends from Dr. KK's cabin? When will you stop getting into trouble?" Jasmin said with same annoyance as Adaa.

Teju lost her composure listening the similar lecture from her friends as Karan.

"I didn't get myself into any trouble, did you two got it." Teju said angrily and marched from there.

"Gosh, this is such a worst day. I didn't get annoyed so many times by so many people in one day. It will be historical."

Teju was keep on walking, mumbling and cursing the day and the people she encountered. Her friends followed her fast.

"Hey Teju, stop you little brat." Adaa yelled and get hold of her making her stop.

"How dare you throwing fit on us, when mistake was yours?" Adaa said.

"What did I do to make you pick my faults?" Teju said.

"Why do you keep doing things to end into troubles and getting called by Dr. KK daily." Jasmin asked.

"First of all, you two stop sounding like that Dr. Hitler Kundrra, second thing I didn't called by him, he was following me around in the emergency room, all the day." Teju said with attitude and looked at her beautiful nail art.

"What nonsense, are you talking Teju, why the heck Dr. KK will follow you?" Adaa asked.

"I asked the same question to myself." Teju said blinking her eyes.

Trio friends looked at each other and sighed.

"Hold on guys, this is all messed up. Let's go to the cafeteria, have some coffee and talk."

Jasmin suggested and the rest two nodded their heads in agreement.

Now the girls were chatting while sitting across the table and having coffee.

"So, you don't know, why Dr. KK was following you all the day?"

Teju nodded her head in no while sipping the coffee.

"Ok, tell us, what has happened in ER, how many patients you attended, what were the cases and how you end up in his cabin again to listen his boring lectures." Adaa asked out of curiosity and Jasmin also nodded her head.

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