Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kyah felt the world slowing down around her, as she reached behind her for her chair. Not feeling it, she stumbled backwards onto the table behind her instead.

"I'm sorry. I know you had grown close with Anakin and Padawan Tano." Plo said sympathetically as he walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder to offer comfort, but she shied away from it, so he crossed his arms instead.

Kyah's mind reeled as she struggled to form a cohesive thought, "Is Ahsoka alright?" She asked quietly.

"I'm not sure the exact nature of her injury, but I'm told she's stable." He nodded.

"How long ago did this happen?" Kyah fought back tears, not wanting to show such strong emotion in front of her master.

"Only an hour ago." He said, "Obi Wan contacted us right away, requesting permission to go after Anakin, but with nothing to go on. The council refused." He said and Kyah's eyes grew wide.

"So, you'll do nothing?" She asked harshly and stood up, feeling anger purge the fogginess of grief from her mind.

"There is nothing to do." Plo shook his head, "Unless we receive a ransom for Skywalker, there's no way for us to know where he is."

Kyah shook her head, holding her face between her hands as she started to pace, "There has to be something." She muttered, "We could narrow down locations that we know the Count has used recently, and narrow it down further by what is closest to Mandalore." She suggested.

"Dooku could have taken him to any location; known or otherwise. He made a clean exit in a covert cruiser, with no one around to see which direction he went." Plo tried to reason with her.

"We can at least try!" Kyah shouted, earning disapproving looks from the other library occupants, but she didn't even notice, "He's one of us. We can't give up on him."

"I would never suggest such a thing. We aren't giving up, Kyah, we're simply acting rationally." He said and Kyah shook her head.

"I need to go." She said and tried to walk past Plo, but he caught her wrist.

"Don't do anything reckless." He warned, but as she turned back to look at him, he knew his words fell on deaf ears.

She pulled her wrist free and ran out of the library, dodging people left and right as she navigated the halls of the temple and made it to the adjoining corridors, which led to the clone barracks. She looked around the long room, scanning the numbered halls branching off from it that were lined with sleep chambers and supply centres. Normally Jedi didn't come down to the clone quarters, they simply called their clones up to them in the temple, but Kyah wasn't wearing her com link and she didn't want to waste time going to her room to find it.

She read the long list of numbers on each isle, until she found the one that matched her clones' squad number. She raced down the long hall, watching for a glimpse of black armour in the sea of white, but she couldn't find them anywhere.

She turned and marched back the way she'd come, looking into the chambers and rooms again as she passed them, but still she couldn't find her troops, just as she was about to give up and run back to her own room, she heard his voice behind her.

"General?" Spinner said in alarm, surprised to see her there.

She spun around and the moment he saw her face, he could tell something was very, very wrong.

"General. What a pleasant surprise." Wingman said with a smile and started walking over to her along with the rest of her troop, when Spinner put a hand on his chest and shook his head.

Wingman was visibly confused, but could tell that Spinner wasn't messing around. "Go wash up boys, I'll join you when I can." He instructed quickly.

Viper and Falcon shoved the others along, shushing their questions as they disappeared into their designated quarters.

Anakin Skywalker AU RomanceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat