Chapter 27: Blood bath.

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  As Cindy dashes through the vents and checks the rooms, she didn't realize Sun quietly following behind. Well, Moon since the vents were dark and he decided to finally come out and play. "Oh, Cindy~" She hears a dark voice and gasps as she looks back only to see two glowing red eyes. "I'm ready for a round two, dear." "No!!" She tries to speed out of the vent but he pulls her back in and tries to tear her apart but she manages to hold him back from doing so with her four hands. Cindy starts to cry since she didn't want to die. Cindy was special so if she breaks, she can't be fixed!

  "M-Moon, please! This isn't right!" "What's right and what's wrong in this world, Cindy?! You should have stayed out of it." Moon growls and is finally able to grab the young lady's head. Just as he was about to pull it off, he heard a familiar voice. 'Y/n...' Moon's eyes widen. Taking this as an advantage, Cindy knees Moon in the privates and he lets her go. She quickly crawls away. "Sucks to be so human, huh?!" She glares at the man then kicks him in the face then crawls out. She looks around, seeing she was in a security office.

  She dashes out and runs to your voice since you were talking to the guard as you both searched the place for Nina. Sadly, Nina wasn't in the daycare or in Sun's room... "Y/n!!" The little girl sobs and tackles you in a hug. "U-uh, Cindy?!" Your eyes widen and she looks up at you. "Nina's in the Fazcade, Y/n! DJ is taking care of her!!" "She is?!" You gasp and look at the guard who smiles and looks back at you. "Great! Let's go then!" You three start to run to the Fazcade until Sun drops out from the vent and in front of the three of you. "Going somewhere?" Sun smiles and you glare at him. "Sun. You son of a bitch." "Rude." Sun pouts and pulls out yours and Nina's phone. Your eyes widen again as tears form. "If you did something to Nina, I will fucking kill you!" "Of course not!" Sun frowns and drops the phones on the floor. He even ignores the call from Roberto you were receiving. "I didn't want to do anything with her, I wanted you." Sun glares at Cindy then the guard then stomps on the phones. "No one's leaving. No one's calling for help."

  The guard frowns. "I take my job very seriously." He steps in front of you and Cindy. "These people will leave and you will be deactivated again. This time I'll make sure it's permanently." "Pfft," Sun holds in laughter then shakes his head. "You're completely irrelevant to all of this, Jerry. Back down." "Or?" The guard, you now know as Jerry, glares at the man. Sun's smile falls. "Remember when that young lady ran out of the building with a boy years ago?" He suddenly questions causing Jerry to tense up but you and Cindy were confused.

  "That was Y/n and Roberto. You let them leave and, what else was it you did...? Oh right, threatened them to keep quiet about their friends dying. Heh, yeah... You really do your job well covering it all up." Sun clenches his fists and starts walking over to the three of you. "I-I..." Jerry glances at you seeing you glare at him a little. "I-I'm sorry... I-it's just this place is so big...! T-they would have turned it on me if I didn't!" He glares at Sun. "But that's not the point right now!" "Hm." Sun suddenly stops and sighs. "Move." "No." "Trying to play hero... That never works." Sun looks away in disappointment. Jerry takes this as an advantage and tackles him causing them both to fall to the floor. "Hurry and get Nina!" Jerry yells. You and Cindy run to the Fazcade. She helps you get there without having to use security doors.

  You both finally make it to the elevator but bump into Chica. "Y/n!" Chica gasps and cheers. "It's been so long!" "Not now, Chica! I need to get my daughter!" You look at the pass bot and she nods then moves the bot, allowing you both to enter the Fazcade without a pass. She deactivates the bot before it calls the police for sneaking in. "Oh, Y/n~!" Chica hears Sun as he walks over. Her eyes widen when she sees the jester skipping over covered in blood and a grin on his face until he sees her causing it to fall.

  "Chica." "Hmph!" She frowns and blocks the elevator. She gulps in fear when she sees a sharp object in his hand that was covered in human blood. "Move." "N-no!" Chica squeaks out in fear. Fed up with the bullshit and the obstacles, Sun decides to do this quick and dashes towards her causing her to scream. With the upgraded voice box, Sun falls to the floor and covers his ears in pain. "Make it stop!! M-make it stop!!" He cries in a glitchy voice. Chica gasps in realization. "Don't come near or I'll do it again!!" She glares at Sun who uncovers his ears. He looks down at his hands, seeing dark liquid on them that was basically his blood, though it was a very darker red than human's blood. Nearly the color black, actually. He dangerously looks up at Chica was his head still low. "Move." He repeats in a darker, more serious tone but she didn't listen. Sun slowly gets back up but keeps glaring dangerously at her. "Fine." He dashes towards her again with all his speed. She starts to scream again but Sun blocks it out and manages to quickly slit her throat before the glitching in his system starts again.

  Chica stops screaming and falls to her knees as blood stains her outfit. Sun smiles his signature cheery Sun smile as she falls forward. Finally, no more obstacles. As he was about to head towards the elevator, he hears a loud and angry scream. He frowns and turns, seeing Roxy was there. She was probably there since she heard her girlfriend cry for help. "YOU!!" She screeches and glares dangerously at Sun. Sun smirks and stares back. "You." Full of rage, the wolf dashes towards him and tries to tackle him but he swiftly dodges. When she tries for the second time, he dodges and grabs her by her long hair then pulls her head back, doing the same thing he did to her lover. Roxy falls to the floor and Sun, finally free from the chaos, looks at the elevator. "Now that those obstacles are complete... Let's head in, shall we?" Sun walks into the open elevator.

  Meanwhile, you hug your daughter close as she cries and repeats how sorry she was and how she should have listened to you. "It's ok." You smile at her and kiss her forehead causing her to calm down a little. You look up at DJ. "Thank you." "Of course. As a father, I understand how important your kids are." DJ chuckles and looks at Cindy. "Speaking of which, Cindy." He suddenly frowns causing her to look down nervously. "What you did today was insane. I'm glad you managed to come out safely, but please don't do it again." "Y-yes, sir..." She sighs sadly and DJ sighs. "I don't know how you two are going to leave, sadly." DJ looks at you and Nina. "But you can always stay here until they re-open tomorrow." "Thank you." You pick Nina up and head towards a seat but freeze when you all hear a loud and very familiar voice. "Y/n~!" You gulp and turn around as Nina hides her face in your shirt.

  DJ frowns and Cindy shakes in fear at the sight of the bloody Sun. Human and robot blood dripped off of him as he held a dangerous smirk on his face. "Thank you for taking care of her." He looks at DJ. DJ frowns more and glares down at the jester. "Leave." "Not until I get what's mine." Sun looks at you. Cindy hides behind DJ and he walks over to Sun. The ground shook a tiny bit as he walks but Sun wasn't afraid. He looks up at the big man with the same smirk. "Leave." DJ repeats. In a swift movement, Sun runs past DJ. DJ tries to grab him but misses and Sun grabs Cindy, placing the bloody sharp object on her throat as he holds her in place. "N-no!" Cindy sobs.

  You feel your heartbeat quicken. This was all so fucking familiar and fucked up. You were an idiot to ever call Sun innocent that night... He wasn't. He was worse than Moon. "Cindy!" DJ clenches his fists. "You have options, DJ." Sun chuckles. "Let me take Y/n and, in exchange, you'll have Cindy back." DJ nervously glances at you then at his daughter. You sigh since you already knew DJ's answer to all this.

  DJ slowly nods and Sun grins. "Finally! Something goes my way! Now... Take them to the elevator." DJ looks at you and tries to grab you but you dodge him. "No!" You try to run but he easily grabs you and Nina gently. He takes you both to the elevator then whispers a 'sorry' to you. Sun drops Cindy then runs into the elevator as it closes. You stay on one side of the elevator while you glare at Sun. "Oh, we're not done yet." Sun smiles softly at you. "I'll make sure you can never leave again, Y/n." He then looks down at Nina then back up at you. "Nina won't be staying though." You tightly hold Nina close as she squeaks in fear at what he said. "She'll be going home, don't worry." Sun wipes blood off his face and chuckles. "I don't hurt kids. As for you," He points at you. "Like Moon's already told you once, you're ours."

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