Chapter 7: Polar opposites.

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I drew Sun :D He's my favorite out of the both of them.


  Once the light were on and Sun was back in control, he angrily goes back to the Daycare. 'Screw the pouch!' He hops out the vent and opens the big Daycare doors. "Moon, I am SO angry with you!!" He angrily stomps inside and slams the doors shut. "You tried to KIDNAP her? Oh goodness, I... Pardon my language, but why the h-e-double hockey stick (hell) would you try that?! Ugh! You have gotten out of control with this poor woman! Enough is enough!" Sun sighs in annoyance when he doesn't get a reply. "Fine, be that way..." He picks up the big shapes on the ground and stacks them neatly so nobody would trip. He remembers when you were running from Moon and tripped on one earlier...

  He goes to the table you and him were at and frowns sadly at the stuff you made. You had made a few origamis and two drawings... A flower that was currently unfinished and a castle which was refenced from Sun's balcony. Your origamis looked pretty bad, unlike the perfect ones he made but it was cute that you really tried. When you showed him, the child-like look on your face was so adorable. Your eyes sparkled at the little paper shapes and the many colored glitter glues he had. You even tried to use all of them with the castle drawing...

  Sun had made a few origamis too... Not as much as you had but he made some. The most special thing to him, though, was the drawing he made. He drew you and him together holding hands with the word 'FRIENDS!!!' above the both of you. He really wanted to be your friend... Why did things have to turn out like this...? The sweet smile you showed him made him feel so warm inside.  Your personality was so wholesome when you spent time with him. You got so comfortable around him so quickly and he was 'scary' to you at first. Nobody's even really looked at him and gave him a chance... Well, Beth did but no adults have at least.

  He felt so insecure about himself because of what everyone else thought of him that he didn't even leave the daycare to see the other animatronics. Eventually, he lost their friendship with him because of his fear and insecurities. With you, they all went away though... You made him believe that, if you can like him the way he is, then maybe someone else can too. 

  Sun cleans the table and picks up the drawings and origamis. "I'll treasure these..." He smiles sadly at the stuff you made. "In my heart, we'll still be the best of friends... Even if it only lasted a little while..." Sun goes up to his room that was behind the balcony then he pins the drawings on his walls and puts the origamis on a table.

  "We should go find Y/n." "No! I am still very angry with you!!" Sun angrily folds his arms. "Y/n is our friend, not our prize! You should never call a girl a prized doll because it is disrespectful! I'll have you know a woman is not to be won, she is no prize you win! A woman is a beautiful flower, a-" "Can we not? I don't need you to explain to me what a woman is." "Hmph! Well you need to learn eventually!" "We should go look for our little prized-" "Ahem." Sun clears his throat, hearing a sigh in his head. "-flower.... We should go look for our flower." "Hmph, no. You're getting too crazy with it, Moon! Since when have you ever cared for someone?? Heck, even I annoy you sometimes!" "Sometimes? You're loud as heck... You annoy me all the time." "And you're quiet! If you weren't literally speaking in my head then I'd never know what you're saying!"

  "Let's go find Y/n." He changes the subject causing Sun to clench his fists. "No!! No, no, no! You're a bad boy, Moon! I'm sick of it!" Sun yells angrily. "If it wasn't for you then Y/n and I would be friends!! If you weren't here, I could actually have people in my life! Dammit, if you weren't here then... Then Bethany would still be alive!!" Sun starts to cry then cover his mouth with wide eyes since he cussed. "N-no..." He looks at his hands though it was blurry from all the tears. "A-am I a bad boy too...?" He whispers. "No, you're not, Sun. What you say is true and I understand, but I've come to accept the way I feel. I want Y/n and I chose to take what's mine. You don't have to accept it, but I'll go against you whether you like it or not. You're always afraid to take what you want no matter how badly you want it. I, on the other hand, don't like to watch what I want pass by me." "But, Moon-" "No. I'm sorry. I truly am. You're the only person I've ever had by my side no matter what bad that I've done, but I'm not only doing this for me. It's for us. Hopefully someday you'll come to accept it too.

  "Moon..." Sun shakes his head in disappointment. "I hope someday you'll come to accept that taking what you want just isn't... Fair." "Neither is being insulted or judged at first glance. Guess what? We deal with it on a regular basis. I'm tired of it. If we don't take action, nothing will change. Screw what they want, it's what we want now." "No!! Moon, Y/n accepted us! Why should she suffer for it?!" "She won't suffer. She'll have us. We make her happy, don't we? She smiles at us. She has fun with us." "No! Now she runs from us!" Sun wipes away his tears. "She runs from us like everyone else, and you know what?! She should! You're pure evil!!" Sun sits in a corner and hugs his legs close to him. "I-I... I hate you..." He continues to cry. "I hate this place... I hate everything... I-I don't want to be trapped here anymore. I don't want to be judged anymore." He hides his face in his legs and continues to sob. 'I-I just want a place where I can be loved... I... I just want to be loved... Is that too much to ask...?' "No, it isn't. Don't worry, we'll be loved sooner than you think..."

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