Chapter 14: The little room.

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  You and Sun have a good time drawing. He kept drawing you though which was a little odd, but whatever made him happy... It's not like he was drawing anything bad anyway. You also notice he kept the origamis and art you both had previously made. As you quietly draw a dragon, Sun was very focused on a special drawing. This drawing was of him and you when you both had kissed. He wanted to be sure to remember that moment by putting it on paper so he could put it in his little room later. 

  As you pick up a red marker, the lights shut off causing you to gasp with wide eyes and freeze. You slowly look up and quickly crawl back in fear when you see Moon was out. You hit the wall and start to shake in fear but he casually continues drawing since he wanted to finish Sun's picture. 'H-huh...?' You gulp. "W-why aren't you chasing me...?" "Hm?" Moon calmly looks up at you then back down and goes back to drawing. "Because I have you where I wanted you all along." He speaks in a surprisingly normal voice. Usually his voice had a hint of evil or anger, but he seems normal right now... "Wait... So you just wanted to spend time with me?" You tilt your head a tiny bit in confusion and he nods, not looking your way.

  You look around seeing the hanging lights were still on so they lit up the room, but not brightly like they were previously. "How are those lights still on?" You point at the hanging lights causing him to look up at them then at you. "Only the main lights go out. Neon lights, security lights, and little things like that stay on. These lights go dim when there's not enough electricity going through, but they don't shut off entirely." "Oh. Hm." You nervously crawl back to your paper since you both were drawing on the floor since there were no chairs in here for the tables.

  You pick up the red marker and open it then start to color. "So... All this time... You just wanted me in here with you?" "Mhm." Moon nods and pulls out some colors. "Why didn't you just tell me that? If you wanted to spend time together then we could have..." You frown. "Instead, you chased me." "I'm not to good with humans." Moon shrugs. "I guess my 'normal' isn't what you'd call normal." "It's not." You sigh and he chuckles. "Well, whatever. You're here now and we're having fun. Maybe I should have just let Sun be himself after all and this would have happened sooner..." Moon whispers the last part quietly to himself. Oh well, it's over now. You're all theirs and that's all that matters.

  You get finished with the red and grab a green since you wanted the eyes to be green. "So, what'cha drawing?" You glance up at Moon and he smirks as he colors in his hair. "Us." "Oh? Still? I thought you'd draw something different from Sun..." You mumble and look at his picture then blush a lot. It was when you and Sun kissed except Sun was drawn as him and Moon since Moon came out when he was still drawing. Moon keeps quietly drawing, not telling you that it was 6 A.M. and you could leave. Why would he tell you that?? You'd leave him! 

  "Moon, shouldn't we tell Y/n?" "No." Moon grumbles lowly, replying to Sun who was talking. "...She'll leave..." "But..." Sun stops since he really didn't want you to leave. With that, he keeps quiet. "Are you hungry?" Moon suddenly asks and looks up at you. "A little." You reply then frown when you remember Becky's death. "I'll go get you something to eat." "N-no pizza!" Your eyes widen in fear and he smiles at you. For once, it was a soft smile... "I know, Y/n. I was thinking corndogs or something. I'll be right back." And with that, Moon leaves the room but comes back and snatches the pouch from you with a frown. "I'll be needing this." He leaves again and you pout. "Darn it." You fold your arms, not expecting him to come back and take it.

  You keep coloring, using other colors for the background. It was really nice doing this for once. Although you really want to leave this place, home wasn't going to be the best neither. Now that you know Moon is just a creepy weirdo you're not exactly afraid of him as much. He just doesn't know how to treat a friend so his 'obsession' is just him trying to hangout with a friend. Well, that's what you assume anyway.

  You jump when you hear something behind you fall. You look back, seeing the tunnel that was covered up from the other room. You don't know why, but he covered the tunnel... Maybe he didn't want you looking in there? What could Sun possibly be hiding? He's a good guy! You sigh and shake your head as you try to focus on coloring but curiosity wasn't leaving anytime soon. 'Dammit!' You put the lid on the marker and put it down then turn and go to the little tunnel. 'Sorry, Sun. My curiosity got the best of me...' You start to crawl through the tunnel and remove the blanket as you go through. You look around at the small room, seeing it was neat. What caught you by surprise, though, was your best friend hanging in a corner. She looked like she'd been there for hours...

  You cover your mouth as you shake in pure fear. All this time you thought she made it home safely... Only to now realize she was stuck in this place and dead. "B-Bethany..." You start to cry. "W-what did he do to you...? H-he... I thought he was your friend...!" "He was." You hear a familiar voice causing you to look at the tunnel, seeing Moon as he sits in front of the tunnel so you couldn't escape. "Sun loved her. She was his very best friend. Now I, on the other hand, could have cared less for her." "W-why would you kill her?!" "Because she just kept coming back." Moon sighs and looks at the corndogs. "She kept hurting Sun and it was angering me. To be honest, I was going to do the same to you." "W-what...?" You whisper, barely able to speak from all the fear.

  "Yeah." Moon looks at you then smiles. "But I didn't. Luckily you got away! I was just so angry that I couldn't stop! Now that I think about it... I don't even think Sun cares about her anymore. He's got... Someone else to focus on now." He goes over to you and tries to hand you the corndogs but you crawl away some more until you hit a wall. He sighs in annoyance. "Y/n, can we not do this? I'm not playing anymore games. Look, there were many things I wanted to do but I held off for you. I was going to shut off the entire building to get you!! No more lights, no more Sun which meant no more stopping me." "M-Moon, what the hell?!" "Don't worry, they would have turned the lights back on eventually and Sun would come back. Just... Not in time to stop me from grabbing you. Here." He hands you the corndogs again. You shakily take them and throw them at him. He lifts up his arms to block them from hitting his face so you take this as a chance to quickly escape the tunnel since he couldn't see and wasn't paying attention. "NO!!" Moon screeches and quickly crawls through the tunnel just as you open the door and run out.

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