"No, not that..."

"Then how?"

"I saw it all through your pants just like now."

He was well past embarrassment and shock. All he could do now was laugh. The one who had persistently asked why she had broken up with her boyfriend was him, but he never dreamed that she'd give him this answer. He felt like he'd poked a beehive, and all the bees had swarmed out.

"You should have hidden it better, Oppa..."

After having dropped the bomb, Lisa tried to cool her face with the back of her hand. She looked as if she'd just made a shy love confession along the lines of, 'Do you like candy? I like candy too.'

Jungkook threw back a shot of soju. He was never the type to enjoy liquor, but he felt that it was times like these that warranted a bottle of soju.

He wasn't sure how he was going to see Lisa from here on out. She continued to sneak glances at him with a carefree expression. Whenever their eyes met, she'd start giggling. He could hardly believe this was happening.

It seemed that the one who needed courage now was Jungkook. His chest rose as he took in a deep breath.

"Speak up if you have anything else to say. Let it all out right here, right now."

Lisa responded without hesitation.

"Sleep with me just once."

...This was ridiculous. Seriously.

"I won't beat around the bush. If you sleep with me just once, I think I can continue living on with those memories alone."

This was new. There had been clingy girls who had followed him around as they begged him to go out with them.

However, he had never seen nor met someone who asked him to sleep with her because he was big.

Jungkook licked his dry lips and crossed his arms. Lisa's large eyes filled with anticipation. There was such a large gap between the way her innocent eyes gleamed and the request she had just made.

Lost in thought, Jungkook finally opened his mouth.

"So what you're saying is..."


"You want to eat me?"


"That's what you want to say, right?"

"I wouldn't put it so bluntly like that..."

The bridge of her nose crinkled as she giggled. As her lips parted, her white teeth flashed before disappearing behind them again.

He suddenly recalled the soft kiss they had exchanged at his place. It was as if he were reliving the moment when he felt her soft skin underneath his lips.

Jungkook had been very aroused back then. Before he could acknowledge that, his lower half reacted first. It had strained against his pants as if it were trying to pierce through the fabric. It took a lot of work to make it calm down.

But this still wasn't right.

"How am I supposed to see Jin's face from now on?"

"Don't you think it's about time you stop seeing that face?"

Lisa's eyes sparkled as she answered without hesitation.

"You can just see my face instead of Jin's."

"Are you confident you won't regret this?"

"If I'm going to have regrets whether I do it or not, I'd rather regret it after doing it."

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