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It was now noon, all the future guests had settled in a room, Wei Ying and Lan Wangji in a room together, the demonic cultivator had practically begged the Grand master who found it hard to believe, all the juniors were in a separate room. Lan Qiren had banned anyone from questioning the guests as he didn't entirely trust them yet and didn't want any rumours to start.
But Wei Wuxain was itching to start some chaos, past Gusu was very boring for him after all, so he waited till everyone had fallen asleep and snook out. If he had remembered correctly, this was the night past him, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang got caught drinking by Lan Zhan maybe he could go and meet up with them. And that's what he did.
Future Wei Wuxian barged into the room, startling the three and Nie Huaisang even shrieked. "Chill out, I just came here because I want some Emperors Smile, so pass it over" he held out his hand and was handed a cup of liquor, not so surprisingly he downed down the drink straight away. "So I know you lot have lots of questions and I'm here to answer them." The three younger cultvatiors looked at each other unsurely and were quite uncomfortable, mainly Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang. Past Wei Ying however was eager, he had been waiting ages to talk to his future self and now was his chance.
"Whats the future like? Do I have a wife? Does Jiang Cheng become the sect leader? Why am I so short? Is Shijie with that ugly peacock? " He spouted out the first questions that came to mind, forgetting that he was apparently married to Lan Wangji in the future. Of course the other two also had questions but neither really trusted the new arrivals very much so they held back and stayed curious.
"Aiya, calm down! I'll answer just one at a time." Future Wei Wuxian spoke as he held his arms up trying to get his past self to shut up before they got caught. The punishment he had on the past was horrible and definitely does not want to love through it again.
"Ok ok sorry. Am I actually married to Lan Wangji?" He asked, toning down a bit more this time though .
"Yes you are, he's the best husband." Jiang Cheng pulled a disgusted face and Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang were both shocked.
"I can't believe, Wei Wuxian the biggest trouble maker and Lan Wangji the second master of the Lan clan are actually married." Nie Huaisang states hardly believing it. Future Wei Ying chuckles, he can't blame them it is shocking.
"Wait but do I still tease him?" Past Wei Ying asked hopefully, praying that he has not gone soft in the future.
"Yes, of course we do it's so funny to see his ears go bright red." Wei Wuxain laughed to him self and Past Wei Ying gave a slight breathe of relief.
"How's the Jiang clan doing in the future?" Jiang Cheng finally spoke up. The atmosphere suddenly became tense and the Yilling patriarch was struggling for an answer.
"Well..uh you are the sects leader, and your really good at it! There is more, but I don't think im able to say it." Future Wei Ying kept his head down and abruptly left before he could be questioned anymore. Leaving the three students even more confused than before.
"I wonder what that was about" Nie Huaisang added trying to make the room less tense.
"Yea he was scared for some reason." Wei Wuxian said
"It cant be anything good." Finally Jiang Cheng said before shooing the others off and telling them to go to sleep before they get caught.

Sorry for the huge delay, I lost lots of motivation. also sorry if that was horrible I had no ideas on what to write and was rushing it all sorry!

Have a good day/ Night and I hope you enjoy the future chapters

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