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"You? You're my son?" Jin Zixuan questioned eyeing his supposed son curiously. "No I don't believe you. This is just some weird trick." he crossed his arms and took a few slight steps back. Jin Ling eyes peeked through, horrified and his grip tightened on his mother more.

Jiang Yanli herself hardly believed this kid, I mean who would it's impossible for you kid from the future to randomly show up..right?
However, being her gentle self she didn't let go and was set on comforting the child in her arms.

"Aiya, Jin Ling come here, same with you too and we can explain the situation in more private areas," Wei Wuxain said attempting to make both adults let uncomfortable, while he himself was still quiet shaken about see the two people he 'killed', sadly he was ignored by Jin Ling who just shrugged his shoulders. Lan Wangji placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and rubbed it slightly and gave his husband a soft look.
"Everyone other than, the people from the apparent future, Young Miss Jiang Yanli, Young Master Jin Zixuan,  Wangji, Wei Wuxain and Young master Jiang Cheng, please leave we will discuss this situation more." Lan Qiren finally stated, lifting his arm quite dramatically than necessary, after a while of silence between everyone.

Once everyone ,other than the people mentioned ,had left some Lan disciples entered the room on full guard; I guess you couldn't blame the Lan Clan I mean some random people had entered your grounds and could possibly attack. All of the juniors were now standing beside present Wei Wuxain and present  Lan Wangji who had now explained the what happened and were they are in more detail even though all of them were still confused themselves. Both past Wei Wuxain and Jiang Cheng were standing next to each other giving deathly glares toward Jin Zixuan, I looked all most as if they were gossiping teenage girls. Jin Zixuan just shoved them off and his attention adverting to his apparently his future wife and so. Jiang Yanli had given both her brothers a nudge in hope that they would stop muttering disrespectful words to Jin Zixuan, while they did stop they definitely didn't give up on the stares. Past Lan Wangji still sat in the position he was in during class and his head straight and his eyes looking at random pictures in the room, he occasionally to a small glance to his future self and future Wei Wuxain he could hardly believe that he would ever allow anyone let alone Wei Wuxian, the most annoying person to exist in his eyes.
"So, How do you expect us to believe to made up story of yours tell us who you really are." Lan Qiren asked rudely and loudly trying to sound more intimidating.

"Well, I guess we have now proper solid evidence. But! If you take a look at both Lan Zhan's and Jin Ling's swords you'll see that they are identical to you Lan Zhans sword and Jin Zixuans sword." Present Wei Wuxain countered once again taking the lead in talking. He gave a slight nod to his husband and nephew telling them to hand out their swords which they did now questions asked.
Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji ,who finally left his spot, stepped closer and took their future swords and looked at them closely, observing every little detail there. 
"Shufu..this sword is exactly the same to my sword, bichen." Past Lan Wangji's eyes widened, could it be that these five people were actually telling the truth. He stood frozen in shock until someone else opened their mouth.
"Master Lan. This sword is also Identical to my sword, however is this boy is who he said he is how come he has my sword and not me?" The Jin questioned aiming more toward Jin Ling than Master Lan. Once again for what seemed like the thousandth time everyone froze. It was true these mysterious people were saying the truth?  What the  is going to happen now? How are they going to get sent back? Are any vital important things going to get revealed or maybe they are kept a secret? Will the people from the future be able to alter the future so they can make it better or will they make it even worse? Wait and see to find out more!!

I have clue on what Lan Qiren calls Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan and what the juniors called Wei wuxian so I just used what I searched up and when with that so sorry if they are wrong. Also thank you so much for all the attention the book has been getting to far, I'm really surprised it was able to get any views at all so thank you very much!

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