Chapter Thirteen - The Labyrinth

Start from the beginning

We had somewhat finished our quest. The man who we had thought was a spy was actually the man we were looking for. He gifted Alexander a computer. And he gifted me my three missing pets. Moxi was a black and blue wolf. Zoey was a snow wolf. While Midnight was a shadow cat now. I smiled at the three animals. Then he lended us wings. We left. My friends. Ethan, Nico, Alexander, Briars, and myself left. Without the string. Luke had stollen the string.

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I stared as frozen as a kid

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I stared as frozen as a kid. About sixteen. Clearly a Demi-God. He swore loyalty to Kronos. I gulped as gold filled and wrapped around Luke. His blade moved. Stabbing Annabeth in the heart. I looked up frozen. Only to see once blond hair now black. Once blue eyes golden. Kronos had completely taken console of Luke's body. I jerked back. My arms shooting out. Shielding my shocked and petrified friends. Alexander cried. His sister was just killed. And Kronos. Was in complete control of Luke's body. The Titian looked straight at me. I stayed between my friends and the Titian. My heart pounding. I looked back once. To make sure they're were safe. I stared at the animals with us. Then I whispered. "Alexander and Rachel. Get on Flair. Briars you'll need to run. Nico. Get on Moxi. Ethan. You get on Zoey. Tyson stay brave and string. You'll need to run. Stay with the others." They all agreed. Slowly moving and doing as I said. My heart was in my throat. I felt my body slightly shade. There was pain in my leg. And my shoulder. And my face. Where my main cuts were that have still not healed.

Kronos continued to stare at me. Just stared. My hands moved. Activating my armor. It wouldn't appear. Then I tried for my helmet. It also would not appear. My hands moved. But. My blades would not appear in my hands my head shot up. I stared at the Titian. He held his synth now. My hand would have shook if it wasn't for how tightly i held them in my fist. I was terrified. I was strong but still. I was untrained. My eyes stared directly at the monster of a man. No. He was not a man. A monster yes. Not a man. But a Titian. I swallowed. We shouldn't have come here. Non of us should have. Stormy was going to stay here with me. He would. Midnight rested on my shoulders. Her glowing eyes staring at the man before us. I moved her. She went to Blair's. Now resting on his shoulder. We were ready to bolt. When he spoke. "Now now. Demi-gods, Cyclops, hundred handed one, satyr..." he looked at each one before his eyes fell onto me. His voice became soft. Gentle. With something like longing and lust in his voice. I didn't like the sound of his voice. "Rhea. My Rhea." I took a single step back.
"I'm not yours. I belong to no one. Not even the gods." I looked to my friends and told them to run. They did. I stayed in place. Only to stall some time for my friends. My voice was quite. Barely above a whisper. He laughed at that.

I took another step back. My uncovered eye glanced to my friend. I dint know what came over me. But I moved. Grabbing my shoe and I chucked it at him. It hit him on the left eye. "Ow!" Was all he said. He stopped reaching for me in surprise. Then he laughed. I took that as I chance. Reaching and grabbing my second shoe. I chucked it. This time it hit him in the nose. My body shook as I moved. Ripping the brush that belonged Rachel and chucked it at Kronos. Before I moved. Jumping onto Kronos's back. Resting my feet on his wings were it connected to his back. He ran. We followed after my friends. I glanced back to see the brush hit him in the eye. He again screamed out an ow. Before looking to me. Fear gripped my heart. My friends were far ahead of me.

I panted looking back as panic filled my chest. I came to a stop when I saw my friends. They were entering a room. I slowed to a stop. I was shaking. I moved. Resting on the back of my Pegasus. We walked. I stared as my friends walked in. My body shook. In fear. I was terrified. I couldn't get the sight of Kronos reaching out to me. Or what he called me. I just stared at Pan he was surrounded by extinct animals. On a bed was Pan. He smiled kindly at Grover. I looked at the god. My body shook. I stared at the main of Stormy. He kneeled. Realization hit me. Pan chose Grover as his successor. I looked at Pan then to Grover. Pan was fading. He was dying and he chose Grover to take his place. Then the god looked to my friends. Before he looked to Grover to finish his statement. He spoke to me. "Rhea Jackson. Your fate. Is already chosen. But that doesn't mean you can not chose which path to take. Stay calm. You will be an amazing leader. Good luck." He turned to Grover and finished talking to him.

It took us a long long time to get us to camp. I thanked Rachel. Before we went off. Leaving. My whole body shook as we finally reached camp. I wouldn't get off of Stormy. My whole body still shaking. I looked up to Chiron. He saw the fear in my eyes. I felt the blood seeping threw my bandages. I felt light headed. Stars filled my vision. My body shook. I felt my vision and consciousness slowly leaving me. I said two words before falling. I had to have faith my friends would finish the report. "He's back." I fell off of stormy. But I was caught by Chiron before I could hit the ground. He cussed instantly at seeing the red and gold that seeped threw my bandages. The last thing I heard was him calling for healers.

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