Chapter Thirteen - The Labyrinth

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Stormy came to a stop. I saw my friends. And I kneeled. Looking at my friends as they looked at me. Blinking at us. Before they laughed. I slide off of Stormy's back. My feet lightly hitting the ground.

I looked back to Rachel. Then Alexander. Then Rachel. I jumped at the skeleton. Briars and Nico looked between the two. As well. Grover and Tyson had disappeared. We walked. I looked at the girl. Realization hit me. "Your a seer. You can see into the future." They all looked at me. We went to run. Only to cuss as we run into some not so good friends. I moved. But Kelly was faster she has Rachel. I glanced back at Flair. Who had smoke coming out of her nostrils and Stormy who was pawing at the ground. But I was not stupid. I obeyed.

We walked. I winced my eyes glancing to the cut on my leg. It was a bit swollen. That cut. The wound in my shoulder and the cut on my face were the only wounds that haven't healed. Next thing I knew I was in an arena. I looked around. I stared at the battle. I instantly knew what was about to happen. I stared up. Straight at Luke and Annabeth. He looked evil. He didn't have his sword. Next to him was a giant. I looked at the bandage on my leg. There was a cry and I looked. To see a Centaur. He asked me to help. I bad to look away as he was about to kill the Centaur. I was still armed. No one could touch my weapons without being burned. I looked back to see the giant. Luke looked to me. Then Antius looked at me. I looked around. Dodging the rocks thrown at me. Along with the cat calls. I simple rolled my eyes at those. My bandages had mostly gone. My pants were now torn shorts that reached my mid thigh. My right leg was wrapped in bandages. My chest and left shoulder were also wrapped in bandages. The cut along my face was also wrapped. I stared at the skulls. Then to the banner of my father.

Antius was the son of Gaia and Poseidon. I stared at him. Before he asked for what my weapon will be my armor and helmet appeared. It was already fixed. As good as knew. Helene and Elio appeared. My opponent appeared. I killed the monster instantly. But next. A half blood appeared. I stared at him. "You are?" I asked him.
"Ethan. Ethan Accamora." He attacked. I moved. Simple countering his attacks. I moved. Not going to kill him. I simple countered him. I didn't really care. He went to stab me and I disarmed him. My blade moved. Pointed at his neck. I stared at the boy. My eyes seeing the look in his eyes. I didn't care. I stared him in the eyes. He did not want to die. I moved my blade. Then I looked to my half brother. And challenged. I glanced at the boy. I whispered for him to leave with us. That I'd protect him. That he'd be safe. I looked at him. He nodded. Agreeing to come with me. I smiled at him.

Antius lunged. I moved. Slicing his leg. Dirt came out and he healed. I smirked and moved. I moved. Dodging attack after attack. I stabbed him in the chest. Moving back. I watched as the dirt healed him. I looked up to him. I just hummed. Looking at him. I looked at the ground. Then to him. I smirked. And moved. Running up. Up. Up. Running up the wall. My hand gripped the chains I dived down. Wrapping the chains around him. Now he hung from the roof. I moved and slide down hanging from the chain my left arm wrapped around the chain. as I pointed Helene at his neck. "This is over. One wrong move and my blade will pierce threw your neck." He froze. "I win this one. Let me. My friends and the boy go. Now." He nodded my hand moved. Grabbing the whistle and I did just that. It's Moxi! I stared at 'misses Olirie.' And smiled at her. I laughed and we ran.

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