Animal War

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            "The meeting is now in session." said William. He was the oldest and wisest sheep in the flock. Once every two weeks the farm chose leaders to go and speak in the meetings about their problems. The leaders of each group were William of the sheep, Darcy of the cats, Wolfe of the dogs, and Bell of the cows. Along with Roger of the donkeys, Chad of the pigs, Rio Rojo or the horses, and Coral of the ducks. They began talking about how everything was going and what was going on around the farm. They had a secure meeting place behind the barn where the owners Mr. and Mrs. Fable would not see them. Things around the farm were never dainty.

 "There is something baleful happening in me herd." said William.

"What is it William? What is it that is bothering you?" asked Chad with a snort.

"Mr. Fable seems to be taking more and more of our wool." said William with a baa.

"I noticed it too while I was herding the little ones, they're coats aren't growing very fast at all. I thought it was a food problem though." states Wolfe.

"Not at all, everyone is eating just fine. But it's getting close to winter, Mr. Fable is giving our wool to Mrs. Fables so that she me weave more coats and blankets to sell." William responds.

"That's terrible," Coral quacked, "What are you going to do?"

"Well I know one thing for sure, we must balk this from happening it could wipe out the entire population of sheep here." neighs Rio Rojo.

"You'll have to make sure that they don't get anymore wool from them." Bell mooed.

"Make sure to protect the little ones, they need their wool more than anyone." said Roger.

"Agreed." They said in cadence.

  The farm worked together and never abandoned anyone. They never daunted an idea and neither group had more authority than the other. They were going to solve this problem together, no matter what happened. The owners of the farm were greedy and arrogant. That had ample enough wool to make things for themselves. Yet they took even more wool from the sheep just so they could get money. The only person who took care of them properly was their daughter Janette. She feed them every morning, washed the on the weekends, and always brushed the knot out of the horse's and donkey's manes and tails. Mr. and Mrs. Fable weren't always like this.

  When they first got married and moved here everything was perfect. They had a house, a daughter, a farm, grew their own food, everything was perfect. Until they became popular in  the sales business. The love for their farm had been disconnected. The happy farm went into what they call The Great Shade. Everything went wrong. Mother cows were slapped for not producing enough milk. Young ones were accused of being greedy. The horses were made to plow every field through night and day. At first the animals just followed the rules. Then, one by one, each became angry. They were taken away from their little ones. Forced to work, no until they won't,  but until they just couldn't. They were like slaves. They grew tired of being treated with such disrespect. They began to fight back. So began the Civil War, beast against man.

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