Part 76: Change in the air

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"Well you're lucky then," Shannon replied.

Izzy looked at Lily, who had stopped listening, and was just staring at her shoes. "Know what you're going to say to Scorpius?"

Lily closed her eyes briefly and shook her head. "I've got no idea. What can you really say besides 'I'll see you in two days?'"

"That's really all that's on your mind?" Izzy countered.

Lily sighed. "Well, no. But I don't feel like pouring it all out in front of his family."

"Ooh! I forgot that Lucius Malfoy will be there!" Megan laughed. "Wish I could be there now."

"Thank you for the reminder of the man that hates me," Lily muttered.

"Just making sure that you're prepared."

"You ok, Lil?" Hugo asked quietly as they walked with Louis and Roxanne toward the seats that were reserved for the Weasley and Potter kids.

"Hugh, no offense, but quit asking me that," Lily replied as they all sat down. Lily looked around her. Parents and students were separated by the aisle the graduates would walk down. There were five seats reserved for Lily and her cousins, but then Lily noticed that there were only four of them. "Hey, where's Lucy?" Lily asked Hugo.

Hugo shrugged, then tapped Roxanne on the shoulder. "Hey, Roxy, where's Lucy at?"

Roxanne sighed. "Something's been up with her lately. She won't come out of our dorm room, and she won't talk to anyone."

"Is she ok?" Lily asked.

"Physically yes, but I'm not sure about emotionally anymore. When she first started hiding in our room, we could hear her crying. I think she silenced the area around her bed now so that we can't hear her anymore," Roxanne told her.

"Well I hope it's nothing serious," Lily replied.

"You think she'd want to see her boyfriend graduate though," Hugo commented.

"Maybe she's mad at him, and that's why she's upset," Lily suggested.

"Possible," Hugo said with a nod.

It felt like an hour later when everyone had been seated, and music started from a source unknown. Lily faked a smile when the seventh years appeared. Thankfully, her smile felt a little less fake when Scorpius found her in the crowd and smirked. But then when Heyes spoke her mood dropped more, and it fell to the floor when he reminded everyone that this year's graduates would now be going off into the world.

But she clapped when Scorpius stepped up when his name was called. And she tried not to laugh when Hugo whistled loudly. Impatience welled inside of her as the rest of the names were slowly called out. She just wanted the chance to talk to him before he left on the boats.

When the moment came to "let them be smothered" as Shannon had put it, Lily was quick to search for Scorpius. But she found him easily, because he had already been heading for the student section. And the first thing he did was pull her into a hug and lift her off her feet.

"You're a graduate now," Lily whispered into his ear.

"Hmm," he hummed against her shoulder. "And you're immensely beautiful in this dress."

Lily laughed as he set her down, his hands still on her waist. She sighed. "Ready to ride back?"

He chuckled. "No. I get the feeling we're gunna be cramped. Those were tiny ass boats when I was eleven," he joked.

Lily rolled her eyes, but before she could respond, she heard a familiar voice squeal. "Oh, Scorpius!" Astoria gushed as she hurried over, Draco behind her. Lily moved aside and allowed Astoria to pull her son into what looked like a bone crushing hug. "My little boy's all grown up!"

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu