Chapter 3: A day in life

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Summary: Giyuu and Muzan go through their daily life together while teaching Fuyumi, Giyuu gets to talk to an upper moon that had a human lover once, and chaos ensues


Giyuu and Fuyumi chatted while eating "So Yumi, How's training coming along?" Giyuu asked while taking a spoon full of curry in his mouth.

Fuyumi started rambling about her training and that she learned how to control her demon art. This made Giyuu laugh at how proud his daughter is. Fuyumi looked at her father and giggled happily, "What?" Giyuu asked her

"Your smile is very pretty Chichiue!"

Giyuu's eyes went wide as he remembered what Sabito said to him "Your smile is very pretty!" He would say. Giyuu thanked Fuyumi, smiling a bit. Then felt a heavy weight on his back. The raven head turned around and looked at what was causing the weight. To no one's surprise, it was Muzan laying his head at his back and hugging his waist.

"Otou-san!" Fuyumi jumped down from her chair and ran to hug the demon king's leg. "Good morning!"

"Good morning Fuyumi," he said patting her head. "And good morning to you too darling~" Muzan slid his hand up Giyuu's shirt. Giyuu blushed and stopped his hand "I thought you said you were busy..."

Muzan didnt respond instead, he just held Giyuu tighter and let out a hum. Giyuu rolled his eyes and pushed Muzan off "If you want to stay, at least eat" He said

"Actually wait, do not eat" He quickly added realizing what he just said

"Nonononono!" A tiny voice said, "I want Otou-san to eat with us!" Fuyumi dragged her father's hand. Muzan laughed and said alright as he sat down

"I'll just watch for a while," He said and he rested his chin on his hand, Giyuu glared at him but continued to eat his food regardless 'What on earth are you planning...'


"Move slowly Fuyumi, breathe carefully," Muzan said as he guided his daughter to a stance. Fuyumis's breathing slowed and got ready, her eyes squinting.

Slowly, fuyumi moved her body and kicked. Lightning stretched from her feet as it hit the target at a rapid pace. The dummy's head flew to the floor

Fuyumis eyes lit up as she jumped with glee, "Atta girl" Muzan complimented her.

Giyuu watched from the sidelines as the two demons continued with their training. He kept on thinking of how easy it was for the two to get along 'Is it because their almost the same species?' he thought to himself

He didnt notice his staring until he and Muzan made eye contact. Giyuu blushed and looked away

Muzan smiled slightly at his reaction and continued training Fuyumi instructing her what to do and commenting on her forms

Giyuu continued to watch silently and sighed. He's been sighing a lot since this morning but can't seem to stop. He glanced back at the two and walked out of the training area.

He let his thoughts wander and wondered on his own, walking around to see where his legs are willing to take him. He didnt have an exact destination, he just wanted to clear his thoughts for a while. Maybe get some fresh air

'God what's wrong with me?' He asked himself. 'I feel so icky for no reason...'

"Got something on your mind your mind?" Someone asked. Giyuu turned and saw Akaza standing a few feet away with his arms crossed. The raven head was surprised at the sudden visit from the upper moon.

Giyuu stood tall and reserved, his hand gripping the hilt of his blade. Akaza noticed this and put his arms up "Easy there Water Hashira" he said crossing his arms "Im only asking"

Giyuu flinch when Akaza stepped forward a bit

"Just, walking," he said blinking at him "And you?"

Akaza shrugged and looked around the hashira eying him up and down "Wanted to escape Douma"


The two stood there in awkward silence. Giyuu didn't know what to say or whether or not he should just keep walking. He just kept his mouth shut and let the uppermoon analyze him.

Akaza shook his head and said, "You have no idea what your doing do you?" Giyuu was taken aback by his question. "Excuse me?" He said, his brows furrowing

Offended, giyuu glared at him. 'What is he saying? Of course, I know what I'm doing!' He thought. Sure, he had no idea how demons or Onis think but slowly he got used to their antics

Whether it be Muzan killing demons and humans or Fuyumi devouring human flesh. He's gotten used to it all.

So just what does Akaza mean by 'not knowing what he's doing'?

The redhead looked at him and laughed "No need to get so worked up demon slayer" he said waving his hand "Im just pointing out the obvious"

Giyuu raised a brow at his comment "Meaning?"

Akaza didnt answer that, instead just continue to stare at Giyuu. Giyuu knew this conversation was going nowhere so he decided to counter Akaza's comment

"Listen," He said "I know that this might seem off for all of you but I'm merely helping Muzan raise our daughter together, nothing more" He started to explain

"We've come to a mutual agreement and only got 'together' so say for Fuyumis sake. If you have any issue with that ask Muzan himself, not me. I didn't even know what he was thinking when he decided to tell you guys"
Giyuu mumbled the last part but sure enough, Akaza heard him loud and clear.

"And for the record, I do know what I'm doing" He added the last bit and turned his heel to walk away

"I had a human lover once" He heard the demon say

"What?" He asked surprised at the sudden confession, turning his head.

Akaza looked at him up and down and sighed "Look, I know you might think you know what you're doing but you really dont"

The demon paused for a moment before continuing "Me and my lover...we thought we knew what we were. We thought that the whole world would fix itself for us. We thought we could make it."

He explained.

Akaza let out a breath "but in the end, it comes down to this," He gestured to a scar on his left shoulder leading down to his chest.

"Humans and demons can't be together, heed my warning demon slayer" Akaza looked at him one last time "One day you're going to have to pick wich side your on, you can never have both"

And with that, Akaza disappeared out of sight.

Giyuu looked at his feet, Akaza's words echoing in his head

'You can never have both'

Giyuu scrunched is nose "Why did he phrase the word 'both' like that?' He shook his head and decided not to think about it further. Then he stopped in his tracks 'Wait human lover?' he asked himself

'And that scar... the only person who could have caused it is'

"You've got to be kidding me"


A/N: SURPRISE MFFFF I HAVE RETURNED. Sorry this chapter is shorter than most of my other chapters but ofc I love all of you so there, food, eat.

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