chapter three

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      Will filled a few canteens with the fire and put them in the bag he just so happened to have with him. Meanwhile, Leo was half-submerged in the misery-pond trying to find his dagger.

Leo sighed "It's not in here!" He said, obviously upset. That just earned a chuckle from Will behind him. Leo turned around "What do you think your laughing at Blonde?!" He stared directly at the dagger Will was holding out to him, his dagger.

  "Eh?! You had that the whole time and let me go misery diving for it?!" Leo exclaimed. Will smiled slightly "Yeah pretty much, and it was hilarious"

Will looked through his bags. They didn't have much, they had a singular bottle of water, the canteens of fire, a few bags of funyuns, a tent, and a picture of Will and Nico that Will carries around.

"That's a smart idea" Leo said as he examined the photo, "I should print out one of me and Jason" he finished, handing the picture back to the Apollo kid. Will smiled sadly and nodded

    The brunette boy didn't have to be a child of Athena to know there was something wrong "Hey what's wrong?" He asked, now genuinely curious.  Will shrugged "Before we left, me and Nico got into a fight. And... if we die here it'll stick with me in the afterlife that I never said goodbye, never hugged him one final time.."

Leo was shocked to say the least, he and Jason rarely fought so he couldn't really relate much to what happened with Will, but he thought about it too. What if they died there? What if he never got to see Jason one last time? 

   Leo turned to Will and looked at him with determination, "Will Solace, I can promise you that we will both make it back, alive."

And with that, the blonde smiled at the brunette and nodded. "Yeah, we will!"

They both decided to find somewhere to rest for a bit. They took turns sleeping. Two hours, switch, another two hours, switch.

Except it was hard for either of them to sleep so they ended up sharing their favorite Greek stories while munching on funyuns. They also learned a bit about each other.

   "What was it like growing up in Texas?" Leo asked the blonde. Will shook his head smiling "Horrible, being gay while your whole family is Christian and homophobic? 0/10 would not recommend" (btw this isn't meant to offend christians cuz I know not all of you are homophobic)

Leo laughed quietly at the end. "Dang that's gotta suck" Will smiled and nodded at that.

The rest of the night was filled with joking and getting to know each other. They hadn't really ever talked before so it was nice. They talked about their lives before becoming demigods, their mortal parents, their boyfriends. Practically everything.

Will got up from the rock he had been sitting on and stretched "We should get walking if we're ever gonna make it out of here" Leo nodded at the suggestion "Yeah, let's go fight some monsters!" He said, showing his fire powers (props to Hephaestus)

They packed up their things and started walking aimlessly. Being completely honest, neither of them knew where they were going. It would be a miracle if they managed to find the doors of death and find a way to somehow open them.

It was practically pointless. No mortal has been able to find and open the doors of death, to escape Tartarus without the doors already open for them. (That might be wrong but just go with it)

But alas, the two boys didn't break their stride. (oh no! I've got to keep on movinnn, if ykyk)

And idiot and a half in hell.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat