Part 24 - See Through You

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"I knew it! You're lying when you say we will leave!"

I can still remember Miraya's face when he yelled at me this morning. Her head was so red, brows met in a deep scowl. She was in rage that she almost released her arrow and shot me. I'm just lucky that Old Baron took her outside my room and gave her her favorite food. She calmed down, but she never talked to me after that.

Miraya is a good friend of mine, but she has this delusion of making me stay in the Lunar Temple forever. She wants me to marry Wulric, the moon elf knight, her brother.

Though Wulric is not bad at all, he's a good person, kind to everyone, and a tough man. And he was the one who taught me how to use my swords. I call him Master sometimes, especially when he's in a bad mood. For me, he's just a family, I have no romantic feelings for him even after spending most of my three years under his guidance.

Also, I think everyone in the Lunar Temple is fully aware of my love for the Duke of the Castle Aberleen. I literally announced it to everyone while I was running around to find him.

Still, Miraya thinks that I'll get over it, and I prove her wrong. Because I can't imagine myself loving someone else other than Aamon.

However, I still wish to forget this feeling so that one day if I suddenly know that he is genuinely happy without me, I will not suffer from heartache and jealousy.

But last night only ignited the feeling I've been keeping and now I'm on fire. Every time I close my eyes I see him, whenever I do something, he randomly pops out my head. Like right now! I'm thinking about him!

I can't wait to see him!

Only if he shows up here. It's been an hour, and both the Living Dead and Aamon are out of sight.

My cloak is flopping behind me, as I move to my feet after sitting for a long time on the gallery surrounding the lamp part of this bell tower.

From here I can see all the Castle's dwellings, towers, and protruding spires. Even the edifices of the Castle where the King lives are visible. And on far away, a house so familiar to me lies, where the light dims because of its distance. My heart sinks when the memories gather back in my mind. Despite my short stay in the House Paxley, the memories feel like an equivalent of a lifetime.

Life messes me up, because those few days I stayed in that house are stuck in me permanently. While those 3 years I spent in the Lunar temple feel like a blur.

With a heavy sigh, I continue to walk around the deck to survey the whole Castle. Then a figure of a person pulls my feet to a halt, he's standing at the opposite part from where I was sitting a moment ago.

"I thought you're not coming?" I speak first to get his attention.

Aamon then turns my way. He looks so ethereal bathing half part of his features with the hue of golden light from the bell tower's lamp.

"Have you seen one?" He asks directly.

Then I'm slapped by the reality that this isn't a date and I have a job to do.

Turning away as I speaks, "No, it's been peaceful for hours now." I place a hand over the lamp window.

Suddenly a gust of wind passes bringing the hood of my cloak out of my head, revealing my long dark hair that I didn't bother to tie because I'm excited for tonight.

"Is it magic that you use to see those monsters or it's an ability that you have since you were young?"

"Ah-I...I don't know, it just happened." I stammer, not prepared for that random question. "I can see souls astray walking among us and most of them are harmless, no, all of them. Only the living dead are different, they have this annoying dark energy around—"

Underneath His Cloak Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ