Part 2 - Adore you

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Castle Aberleen,
House Paxley

Day 11...

Staring blankly outside has been my hobby for days, a perk or disadvantage for not remembering anything so I have no choice, but to replay the moment I stared on Aamon's eyes. After that day I never left the house anymore and also a feeling sprouted that is slowly blooming until now.

"Zoning out again!" Carson stands in front of the window both arms arrow on his hips, pouting.

He looks like Aamon, but they have different eyes. Carson's more elated and full of enthusiasm.

"Do you want to hear the story of the Prince and the broken statue?" I say.


I look at Eris, who is sitting on the floor's carpet wrapping a gift. She will obviously opposed because she knows the meaning behind my story. "Don't you want to hear it again? I mean it's a masterpiece." I beam.

"In that story, you're simply putting down yourself, and that story was stating assumption. Aamon is the Prince and you're the statue. He will notice you if you approach him and when your memories come back he will not...I mean we will not let you leave, throws you like a cursed statue." She speaks like we are not allowed to interrupt.

"Not because you caught me giggling over Duke Aamon doesn't mean that, that story is about us." I hope the lie is not so obvious.

"Let's go and camp in brother's study tonight, Y/N." Carson is innocently supporting me over my delusion towards his brother.

I smile faintly at him. I can't imagine, just like that everyone knows my hidden feelings for the Duke, though none of them disses me, still it's so awkward.

"I have a feeling that you're not just an ordinary being, Y/N. You must be a powerful mage from a castle." He added while looking at my soul.

"Power is possible since Aamon said, they found you falling from the sky near the celestial palace, maybe..." Eris stands then walks towards me. "...maybe you lost it and that will be your quest, to find your missing ability." She sounds so excited about it.

I stare at her wide eyes. That can't be, especially without a memory. Where do I start? What will I do?

For a moment I'm speechless, "Let's go, Carson. Let's camp in your brother's study." I move to drag Carson out of the room.

"Wait, we need to figure this out, Y/N. It's exciting you know..." Eris's voice muffles when we close the door.

It is interesting to know that I might be someone with ability but I also think that Eris is just exaggerating things because she was fond of quests.


Aamon's study...

"What are you doing here, Carson?" Aamon asks in his low deep voice.

Carson looks at him chin up, spine straight. I can't help but stifles a smile. He doesn't look startled, he's more like posing proudly in front of his bother. "I'm here to study bother." He answers, not breaking eye contact.

"Study about..." Aamon let his word fall, seemingly waiting for Carson to continue.

"You. How the head of the family works." Carson ends it with a tight smile.

For a moment Aamon stays silent. I'm not really sure if he approves or he's mad about it.

"I will not disturb your peace, I'll just observe," he adds.

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