Epi 9 - The Stand Off

Start from the beginning

"Yes, she has been addicted to heroin for about a year or so." I nodded. 

"Thank you for telling us, we will keep that in mind as we make decisions about post-surgery pain management."

"Thank you, is there anything else you need from me?" I asked.

"No, sir. Not at this time. Surgery will be another couple of hours and then she will be in the ICU for recovery. You won't be able to see her for about 8 hours or so. We recommend you take this time to go home and rest, and be prepared for when she wakes up."

"Uh, thank you, doctor, and your team." I shook his hand politely.

"We will talk to you soon Mr. Bradford."

"Tim, please," I said, realizing how much I hated the sound of being called Mr. 

"Tim." He nodded then left. 

I decided to leave after that too. There was nothing left for me to do here except to mope around. It was the early morning hours of the next day already so I decided to head to the station. I had enough stuff there to get ready for my day. When I arrived I took a little 2-hour nap in my car and skipped my workout. I was so exhausted that my sleep was mostly dreamless. I woke up remembering faint hints of a woman I couldn't identify. I shook it off because it was getting late and I needed to shower and get dressed for the day. I made it to the locker room before anyone from the day shift did which gave me a moment of peace in the only place that had felt like home lately. 

I took a longer, hotter shower than usual, the tension in my body melting away the sharp edges. When I finally finished there were some rumblings of others joining me in the morning rush and I was no longer alone. I was now Training Officer Bradford. 

I got dressed and then went to Grey's Office. I seemingly beat him there so I took a seat and waited. When he came in he was surprised to see me, his hands full of files and coffee.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" he asked me, "Why aren't you at the hospital?"

"Because I can't do brain surgery. But I can catch the guy who put that bullet in her head." I answered.

Grey took a seat behind his desk. "Are you okay?" he asked with genuine concern.

Not really, but it's better than doing nothing.

"I'm fine, compared to her. If she survives surgery, the doctor says she might have a chance." And they won't let me see her until later today anyway. Put me to work.

"She strikes me as a fighter." 

"Yeah, she's definitely that." I nodded.

"Tim..." Grey hesitated, "Wolfe and Vestri were just doing their jobs with Isabel." And failed spectacularly. If they just would have listened to me we could have avoided all this. "And making what happened personal is not going to get you what you want. You understand?" he asked.

"Yeah." I understand perfectly.

I got up and left then. I had just walked out of Grey's office when Talia approached. "Hey," she said, sympathy in her eyes. I was so sick of seeing that look from everyone. 

"Hey," I nodded, arms crossing over my chest.

"How is she?" she asked.

"Doctors are hopeful, but I can't see her until later. What do you got?" I asked.

"Detectives are gonna pull Carson and see what he knows about Vance." She informed me.

"We should have sent him in instead of Isabel," I argued.

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