Stiles and Raven pulled up to Stiles old house, the car filled of Raven's stuff.

Stiles parked the car turning it off looking at his daughter who was already 14 and looking more and more like her mother everyday, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Raven fondly rolled her eyes, "Yes dad, you only asked a million times."

Stiles raised his hands in mock surrender, "Okay okay." The two of them got out of the car heading up to front door, when it open to reveal Noah Stilinski.

"Grandpa!" Raven cheered quickly running up to him jumping on him giving him a hug.

Noah fondly chuckled, "Hi sweetheart."

Stiles slowly walked up to them shoving his hands in his pockets, "Hi dad."

"Son." Noah quickly hugged his son, having missed both of them. "Want to bring your stuff in?"

Raven nodded, the three of them walked over to car opening the back grabbing all of Raven's stuff before they walked inside a very familiar house, Noah led the two of them to Stiles old room where Raven will be staying. The three of them set down the stuff in the room that looked so bare compared to when Stiles lived in there.

Stiles looked at Raven sadly, so Noah took it as his que to go downstairs as the father and daughter talk.

"I'm sorry." Stiles spoke looking painfully serious, Raven paused unpacking her stuff turning to her father who seemed to be sad, "You are right i have been distance, and i was so heartbroken i forgot you lost her too."

Raven tensed up shaking her head, "You don't have-"

Stiles sternly cut her off, "No i'm your father i should of been there and i wasn't, it's my biggest regret. I'm so sorry little bird." Stiles walked up to her cupping her face with his hands resting his forehead on hers.

"It's okay dad." Raven accepted his apology knowing he never meant to purposely hurt her, she leaned into his touch closing her eyes.

Stiles pulled back from her kissing her forehead multiple times, "You will love it here, my father will be glad to have you here. Derek Hale lives here still if you need anything he will help. If you want to come home any point you can, and i'll call you as much as possible, I love you my little bird." Raven had a tear falling down her cheek that Stiles delicately wiped.


Raven stood at the opening of the entrance to Beacon Hills High as multiple heads turned to look at her, as whispers began to sprout around the hallway staring at Raven

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Raven stood at the opening of the entrance to Beacon Hills High as multiple heads turned to look at her, as whispers began to sprout around the hallway staring at Raven.

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