The World Before The Unquiets

Start from the beginning

"Is everybody here? Is everybody ok?" Aidan asked as soon as he disentangled himself. 

After hearing six calls of confirmation the blonde prince was satisfied that everyone was accounted for.

"Did it work? Are we in the past?" Wrenn asked.

"I think we are." Novak answered. The dark auburn haired boy ran his hand along the ground. "Grass."

An owl hooted and crickets chirped. The teens looked astonished, even the noise was different.

"If you think that's strange, try this." Said Flynn. He rolled his shoulders back and took a lung full of-. "Flesh air." 

Everyone followed his example.

"Okay we're definitely not home." Neoma concluded. "So what now, your highnesses? Where do we begin?"

Aidan began to fish into his backpack, but then heard his sister yawn. 

"I think we should set up camp and get some sleep first. And please, there's no need for formalities anymore." He laughed. "Eri, kindly build us a nice big fort."

"Shouldn't we try to be more subtle?" Flynn suggested.

"We don't know where we are. This could be the middle of hostile territory and no subtly can hide from that. Better we build a great big fort that says 'Don't mess with us!'" Aidan explained.

"Sounds good." Eri agreed. "I'll get right on it."

"I'll help." Neoma offered. The two girls went to work their respective ice and black rock magics.

"You all should get some rest, I'll take take first watch." Novak offered.

"Nah, we have a general rule. 'Always make Amy take the first watch.'" Aidan smirked.

Flynn and Wrenn snorted while Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Trust us Novak, Amy is a deep deep sleeper." Wrenn laughed. "Once she shuts her eyes she'll be down like a log.

"And once she is down, it takes way too much effort to wake her up again. That's why we always make Amy go first." Laughed Flynn.

"Hmph. You all exaggerate!" Amelia rebuked. The light auburn haired girl folded her arms and turned her head away, refusing to look at her brother and second cousins.

•••The Next Morning•••

"Wake Up, Amy! WAKE UP!" Exclaimed Eri. The Snow Princess roughly shook her sleeping cousin.

"Umgh.. whaat... Are we under attack?" Amelia groaned. Still down and refusing to budge.

"No, but you have got to come out and see this!" Eri chirped in an unusually excited manner. 

Her excitement didn't seem to faze Amelia however.

"Urgh... leave me alone!" Amelia shooed.

There was much laughter and giggling in the crowd.

"What'd I tell you? She sleeps just like you." Kristoff teased.

Anna laughed and tapped her baby daughter's nose, the little one was still asleep. In fact, true to Wrenn's description, even after Anna had wheeled the pram down the street and pass the cheering crowds, Amelia had astonishingly slept through the excitement.

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