SEASON ONE; new zombie unlocked

Start from the beginning

"Everyone, hush," the girl whispered, taking a quick peek around the corner. Warren wasn't afraid of Zs, so it was either human - or something worse - that lurked around the building. 

This zombie? Was glowing. (y/n)'s eyes went wide and she shrank backwards, only to hear some let go and a horrific smell descend over them. 

"Sorry," Murphy said "got away from me." (y/n) covered her nose with a sleeve, trying to focus on the undead glowstick beside them. 

"If I die because you farted," Doc seethed at the other man "I am taking you with me!" (y/n) coughed, and she could hear its feet shuffling closer and closer with each passing second. 

Murphy and his goddamned stench, she cursed internally, preparing to fling the knife and lay the creature down for good. 

"It's glowin'" Warren said in disbelief, and (y/n) felt everyone shift to get a better look. She tried, once again, to keep her focus on the task at hand and not 10k leaning over her shoulder. 

Faintly, she thought she could smell lavender, and the smoke from their campfire the other night. 

"It's like a zombie ghost," Cassandra said, staring at the creature intensely. (y/n) took a deep breath. 

"Who ya gonna call?" she said lowly, stepping out and throwing her knife with deadly aim directly into its skull. 

"He's got friends!" Warren warned, pulling out her revolver. Suddenly, the door they came through earlier bust open, and two figures in bright yellow attire moved in - quickly dispatching of the monsters. 

"Don't touch them!" A masculine voice bellowed, while the other - presumably a female judging from her shrill tone - shot at the ones that had ventured a little too close for comfort. 

"Back away from the Zs," she yelled, "it's not safe!" (y/n), after retrieving her knife, turned to see 10k being pinned by a glowing creature. She took only a few strides forward, however, when the other figure donned in yellow took it out instead. 

At least he was safe, she thought gratefully. 

The nuclear plant loomed above them ominously, further proving the man's talk of the Zs being radioactive. 

"This is gonna be one of them days, isn't it?" Doc sighed dejectedly, and (y/n) couldn't agree more. Their daily lives were weird - even by apocalypse standards. 

The whole thing felt like a big cosmic joke. 

The group exchanged the normal pleasantries with their new acquaintances, and the father-daughter duo led them to their little base of operations - an old airplane hangar. 

(y/n) swallowed her iodine pill with a grimace - hating the feeling of the small capsule going down her throat dry. She coughed once, and Warren handed her a bottled water that she took gratefully. 

They were each scanned to check their radiation levels, and Grady stopped when he arrived at the girl. 

 "Looks like you're all in safe levels! But you'll probably get cancer in twenty years." He admitted. 

"Somehow," Warren said "that's way down on my list of worries." (y/n) chuckled.

"Yeah, we'd have to live twenty years first," she joked, shrugging her shoulders when Tommy craned his head around to gape at her. 

"Yeah," Grady began thoughtfully "our more immediate problem: the reactor core is melting down. We don't fix it soon, everything within a 300 mile radius will be going." 

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