"Sure are," He agreed with a chuckle. "Just for your music you are the best," He praised, as he normally did. "You guys will continue to be my team. Not until we deal with Akatsuki, but for as long as you wish. I'll make sure you are given a chance to make things right."

For a long moment, the two of them sat there in silence. Only the music was heard and Eiji wondered if the spar had ended or Tayuya was hiding that behind a Genjutsu. If it was the latter, he was grateful.

"So, do we have a team name?" She asked eventually, and he could hear the grin on her face. He rolled his eyes without even opening them.

"Yeah, Suicide Squad," He answered.

"If all missions are like this one? I'd say it's appropriate," Tayuya replied, as if he'd been serious. "It has a nice ring to it. I like it."

'Now that name's gonna stick, isn't it?' Eiji thought, unsure of how to feel about that. In the end, he just shrugged. At least she was happy and wasn't cursing up a storm. 'Did she stop playing?' He wondered, before he heard her again.

"Fearless Leader, Bimbo number one and Bimbo number two want to talk to you," Tayuya announced and he sighed. 'At least she's not that afraid of Yugito anymore,' He mused. "And they are too fucking scared to call you themselves, might I add."

"Thanks, Tayuya, your help is appreciated," He said, giving her a look through the corner of his eye. She nodded seriously, but he could see the corner of her lips twitching up. "So, I'm guessing you guys want to discuss the spar?" He asked the two blondes in front of him, who nodded. "Let's get on with this then."


"I mean, the body isn't made to withstand so many boosts," Eiji commented from where he sat, a notebook in his hands. The team was sitting down and simply going over strategy, training ideas and technique ideas. He was currently working on two things himself. A Fire Release Jutsu and one or two thread based ones, since he had such a buff to them with his title now.

His comment, though, was directed at Tayuya and Kabuto, who were going over what they'd used with Temari against Akatsuki. Apparently, the poor girl hadn't taken both techniques at once well. They were currently brainstorming how to make that combination better for the target. Eiji was actually surprised that Kabuto hadn't realized the problem and the solution.

"You have to add something to increase how much the body can handle. Alternatively, regeneration so that the target will feel the strain but recover quickly," He explained, when both of them turned towards him. Instantly, he saw Kabuto's eyes narrow.

"That's how your regeneration works right? I thought it was two techniques at once. A power up and healing, but it's two in one, huh?" The ex-spy noted, the cogs turning in his head. "I see," He added, a smile that would unnerve many people forming on his face.

"So, you are the medic here. You got a solution, Four Eyes?" Tayuya asked with a raised eyebrow.

Eiji simply sighed, shook his head, and turned back to what he was doing. There was much work to do and since he couldn't actually train at that moment, he thought it would be better to take advantage of that fact. Thus, he focused simply on studying and working on theory projects like new jutsu.

He paused though and clicked his tongue.

"Are you going to pretend to ignore me for much longer?" He asked, his eyes turning to the side. There, on his shoulder, rode Shirakumo. He'd sent a message to the Spider Clan as soon as he'd managed and the response he got was the small white spider. The little princess had also, apparently, been quite put off by his time of silence, even if it wasn't his fault. Thus, she wouldn't leave his side, but also wouldn't talk to him.

Game of Shadows by Adrian King1Where stories live. Discover now