Epi 8 - Time of Death

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Bishop scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I need to talk to you." She said seriously to me. Angela picked up the hint quickly.

"Come on, Boot," Angela yelled as she got up and left Talia and me. This couldn't be good. She sat down in the chair Lopez left.

"How is she?" I asked about Isabel. I knew Talia was probably on that case. 

"Not good. I can only imagine how you've been handling it." I already get enough of this from Lucy, I don't need it from you too.

"I don't need to commiserate. I need to know what is going on." So I can do something about it. 

"If the detectives know I reveal anything about the operation -"

"Then don't." I cut her off. Then why come here and tell me this?

"They want Isabel to wear a wire to a drug deal. Tonight." Talia blurted. 



No one could stop me in that moment. I pushed my chair back, nearly knocking it over. I stormed my way to the Captain's office and as I walked by I heard Chen ask where I was going but nobody seemed to answer her.  

I burst into the Captain's office when I got there with no regard for the men already in there.

"A wire? Why don't they just shoot her in the head and be done with it. Be a hell of a lot quicker." I yelled as I came in the room.

Anderson politely dismissed the other two men, "Excuse us." They nodded and left, shutting the door behind them.

"You enter my office again without knocking I will put you on administrative leave without pay, is that understood?" She berated me.

"You can't let them do this, all right? She's an ex-cop, as if being an informant isn't enough, now they want her to buy a kilo of heroin while wearing a wire?" I asked.

"I looked at her file. She took part in dozens of drug busts when she was a narcotics detective." Anderson argued. That was before.

"This is different." I pleaded for her to listen to me.

"Explain to me how it is that you know the details of their operation?" She asked.

"You don't know her like I do, okay? You've read her file. You know who she was. I know who she is now. And the Isabel in that file is gone." I had accepted that, but now I needed these guys to accept that too. She's not who she used to be.

"I'm sorry. All I can do now is put you on rescue detail. If the deal goes south, you will be the first in the door." Damn straight I will, I'm the only one looking out for her, except maybe Talia.

Resigned to the fate of the situation I went to leave, but stopped and turned to the Captain right before I did. "I'm sorry I barged in. It won't happen again." I apologized and closed the door as I left. 


That night I was parked kitty corner to the Harvard House Hotel where the op would go down, shortly they would turn on audio that was being streamed to my car. Until then I was sitting in the quiet of my car watching an old video of Isabel and me. 

"Stop! What are you doing?" Isabel asked.

"I want to remember this, come on, this is our last day as fun, carefree single people." I answered

"Only boredom and drudgery from here on out." She joked and we kissed.

"I'm afraid so, It's written in the vows." I had kissed her again and we had started making out in the grass. 

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